The Mysterious One

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*At Ba Sing Se Bohai meditates into the spirit world*

Bohai: *opens eyes*

*Bohai walks around the spirit world as he sees a figure up ahead*

Bohai: Who's there?!

Uncle Iroh: Relax, I'm not hurtful

Bohai: Iroh? What are you doing here?

Iroh: *chuckles* same question I should be asking you. What brings you here?

Bohai: I thought I'd come here and get in contact with Korra for advice and guidance but now I run into you.

Iroh: Come and sit with me.

*Iroh and Bohai sits down and have a cup of tea*

Iroh: So what seems to be the problem?

Bohai: I'm just having a lot self doubts. I know I'm the avatar and everyone is counting on me. But what if I can't fulfill my duties right.

Iroh: Everyone will like you as the avatar Bohai. No matter the situation or problem of the world, your duty is protect everyone at all costs. Korra had the same problem as you. She felt like the world didn't need her. But the world actually did need her. But you're the new avatar. Everyone needed a new avatar and then you arrived. But the important thing is that your are strong and humble and the world will always be protected because of you.

Bohai: Thanks Iroh. It means a lot

Iroh: No Problem. I'm always here if you need me.

*Bohai exits out the spirit world*

Bohai: *sighs with a smile*

Asami: Hey Bohai, you okay?

Bohai: I'm fine. I went into the spirit world to try to get in contact with Korra. But then I ran into Iroh. I told him I have been having self doubts wondering if everyone would like me as the avatar.

Asami: Of Course wants you as the avatar Bohai. You're the bridge between this world and the spirit world and not to mention everyone is counting on you.

Bohai: You're right. Thanks Asami.

Asami: Dart!

*Bohai and Asami sees a dart fly by and ducks down*

Bohai: *Looks out the window* What the- HEY!

Masked man 1: *Runs*

*Bohai and jumps out the window and runs to chase the masked man*

Bohai: You're not getting away! *Uses earthbending to make a wall*

Mako: What's going on?

Bohai: This man almost shot a dart at Me and Asami. Luckily I caught him. Now Talk! Who are you and who are you working for?!

Masked man: I don't need to tell you. But I do know is...she's looking for you

*The masked man uses a smoke bomb and gets away*

Bohai: *coughs*

Mako: *coughs* where he go?!

Bohai: Ughhhh he got away

Lin: I heard what happened. Are you two alright?

Bohai: We're fine. But we might have to alarm Wu about this.

Bolin: Hey there's a note tied around your ankle

Bohai: Hm? *grabs the note*

Note: Give me the information about the spirit world or else bad things will happen to you and your friends. -The mysterious one

Bohai: The mysterious one?

Asami: Who's that?

Bohai: I don't know but whoever it is I'm not going to let him or her get to the spirit world or destroy anything. We need to alert to Tenzin and everyone else to protect the spirit world and then alert Wu.

Lin: There's a radio inside maybe you can contact Tenzin and tell about this person and their capabilities while Me, Bolin, Asami and Mako tell Wu.

Bohai: Okay. Let's go 

Bohai and the others spilt up as he runs inside and contacts Tenzin

Tenzin: This is Tenzin

Bohai: Tenzin no time to speak I need you and everyone to protect the spirit portals at all cost

Tenzin: What's going on?!

Bohai: there was a note from a person named the mysterious one and might mess with the spirit world

Tenzin: Don't  worry we're going to protect it.

*Meanwhile in the palace*

Mako: King Wu!

Wu: Ahh so nice to see you mako and Asami and Lin. What brings you all here

Mako: There might be danger incoming for Ba Sing Se. You need to something about this

Wu: Don't worry my city is really safe nobody can get into here.

Guard: Sir! There's been mysterious gas floating around the city

Wu: Get Everyone to evacuate immediately!

Guard: Yes Sir!

Lin: We'll help them get everyone to safety

*Lin, Bolin , Asami and Mako all run out the palace and sees masked men surrounding them*

*The end*

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