Chapter 17

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Lisa is presented with two choices at that moment; run after Esther and ask what the hell did the girl meant or to just stay there and face the very real possibility that Esther was not as oblivious or tunnel-visioned as she thought, and was actually very observant and a lot more aware than Lisa ever gave her credit for.

But the first option meant that she might have to talk to Esther about things that she isn't ready to and doesn't want to talk about or deal with just yet.

So the rest of the afternoon passes -- the sun sets and the night begins. They keep working until Kwang Soo, the utility guy, tells Jisoo that it is already 10 pm and time to close up the auditorium.

They all tidy up and set aside the props and backgrounds. The actors slowly filter out first, followed by the dancers who played extras and were rehearsing fight scenes. Next, the light and sound people leave and then the propsmen. Jisoo, Lisa, Rosie and Jaehyun hang around and kind of "close up" the auditorium, so to speak, helping Kwang Soo. The utility man is grateful for it and once they are done, they all leave together.

Kwang Soo bids his goodbye immediately, the moment they step out of the building. Jisoo shoots a quick text message before her phone rings and she picks it up. It's Jennie on the other line and she tells Jisoo to hurry home.

Jennie and Jisoo are roommates and have been since their first year at the university, much like Lisa and Rosie. Jisoo is one year older than Jennie but they somehow found themselves in the same class in high school and have been inseparable since -- Jisoo pursuing creative writing and Jennie pursuing fashion in this university.

Jennie and Jisoo met Lisa and Rosie the same way everyone else did -- through the two younger girls being active in extracurriculars and were pretty much visible in every uni event.

The four of them often hung out after they found that they all got along well, all four of them having the same drive and dedication in their studies and other activities. They also found having connections in the other clubs and organizations to be such an asset, so they kept their bond strong and constantly made sure to reap the benefits.

Right now, it was their turn to help Jisoo, and they gladly do.

After Jisoo walks off, the only ones left are Rosie, Lisa, and Jaehyun. An air of awkwardness blankets over them and Rosie looks from Lisa to Jaehyun and back again.

Lisa decides that she's had enough for the day and she doesn't want to stay and suffer through any more, so she just turns away from the other two without another word and sets off walking towards her and Rosie's dorm room.

Rosie was about to reach out and call for Lisa to tell her to wait, but Jaehyun touches her arm and calls her attention before she could.

"Huh?" Rosie turns around to face him, eyebrows raised in question.

Jaehyun pulls back his hand, suddenly shy now that he finally has the girl's attention.

"Sorry, there was something I wanted to tell you, Rosie." He explains, looking down and smiling.

Rosie wonders if she saw that right.

"Um, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Jaehyun starts.

"What is it?" Rosie asks.

Jaehyun looks like he's considering something. Rosie sees him hesitate then reconsider.

All the while, the student council president thinks,

, in her mind.

"I, uh..." Jaehyun tries again, still seemingly struggling with his words.

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