HER Journey

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Enduring the journey entails the everlasting process of discovering my spiritual gift in writing.

➡️ Spiritual Gift: supernatural ability of God. It's his divine enablement.
Miracles still exist, as God still exists in our lives✨

One day, I heard my pastor say:

"Maybe your life exists so that you can make a difference in the life of someone else..."

Maybe he was right. When I first leveled up in my spiritual journey of learning God and His spirit through the "good book", the Bible, it inspired me to take notes in the context of my own life.

Before then, I had only been going to church to receive His word, still taking notes & thinking in context of my own life, simply because that is just how I better understood the message. But I had not been reading the chapters in fullness and clarity to understand what the scriptures I was learning truly meant for my life. That is when I really leveled up in my learning.

Learning His message and applying it generally across every aspect of my life is my journey. When God says to seek Him, He means with your whole heart.

Whole (noun) | A thing that is complete in it self.

You have to accept you first, as He already has. All of you. The goodness of you. The badness of you. The completeness of who you are... know what that is, as He already does. 💡

With everything in me, I have had to commit to learning who leads the journey before me in order to truly understand and discover the gifts in my life. It has not been easy. I've even gotten lost.

I started writing part 3 of my autobiography and got lost in my thoughts. I sometimes lose sight of myself and my purpose on this journey. I have to disappear and come back better. I hope anyone I've ever hurt understands that I never intended on things being so bad. I love pretty hard. Love is in the heart, and no one quite understands our hearts like Him...

It's not my intentions to pressure anyone into knowing what spirituality means for them. I know the stuff I talk about sometimes is annoying. It's harsh; the things you wanna just bury and grow from in order to move forward.

For me I have learned that moving forward from the past is a process, and in that process of pruning, you have to be honest with yourself and the people around you. You have to talk about the hard things and get through it in faith and alignment.

Once it's all said and done, there's always more to grow into. Those that are willing to do the hard work and fight the evil that exists in the flesh will heal their wounds through the self care and praise they give for becoming more than what they used to be.

Proverbs 31: 29–31 (NIV)
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a noble woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring praise at the city gate." ✍🏾💫

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