We let the freckles on our faces make a million stars

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We let the freckles on our faces make a million stars
A constellation so amazing that we saw a spark
If I'm honest, it felt like love
- Don't You Worry // Oh Wonder

When Jens's phone buzzed late last night, he ignored it, simply glancing at the brightening screen before looking away, back at the video game he was engrossed in. Lotte and his mom were both in bed, probably snoring, but he couldn't fall asleep, hard as he tried.

It was almost midnight when he finally took off the headset and shut off the tv, rubbing his sore ears and blinking in the dim light of the hallway seeping into the living room after staring at the bright, fluorescent screen for so long. As he movedll: down the hallway, it was like the music and booms and crashes of the game were echoing, rattling around in his skull, clashing with the deafening silence as he cracked Lotte's door open and gazed at her for a second, his phone, notification forgotten, in the pocket of his sweatpants.

He'd left his light off when he threw himself onto the bed, the door shut gently behind him. The windows were cracked open, the pale yellow curtains parted to let light from street lamps leak into the room, the quiet city just out of reach as he stepped between the window and his bed to grab his earbuds from the floor.

He fell onto the bed, causing a quiet thump and he buried himself under his blanket, hiding from the soft breeze sneaking into the room. He finally pulled his phone out, struggling for a second before managing to plug in his earbuds, and he opened his phone, flinching as it shone too brightly in the dark. His eyes caught on a notification as the phone opened too quickly for him to read it beyond a phone number he didn't recognise. He let out a quiet "Oh," as he swiped on the screen until his messages were open, remembering suddenly, his heart picking up its pace until he could hear it.

l: hey this is lucas :)

Jens smiled, hurriedly sending a hey whats up?? before adding the number as a contact, as lucas :). (He'd used a smiley face in the initial email, so maybe it was a Lucas thing.) Before he could leave the app to open his music, Lucas had texted back.

l: not much just staring at the ceiling

Jens had laughed lightly, rolling over so he was on his belly, propping himself up on his elbows with his phone in front of him.

j: oh same

He paused before typing again.

j: sooooo how are you liking antwerp

He watched as a bubble appears, and then disappears, and then appears again.

l: im sure if i went out into the city and actually did stuff i'd like it more

Jens had chuckled, tilted his head understandingly.

j: very valid
j: it's not the same rn bc of covid but there are still some cool places to see

He watched the bubble again.

l: i haven't really left my apartment since i got here :( but i do want to go places
l: my friends are pressuring me to be adventurous

j: when it's safe for people to meet up i can show you around
j: we can go on some adventures

After hitting send he paused, biting his lip, wondering if it was too... forward, straight-up, blunt. If it was too early, too soon for a let's hang out invitation. But then Lucas responded with his little :) and it was fine.

Jens started getting sleepy as they chatted, as Lucas told him about Utrecht and about what he did with his friends.

l: we used to get fries a lot
l: too often maybe

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