ヴィランズワールドへようこそ 𔓕 OO1

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   Soft eyes of grey with specs of violet gently curl open, only to be met with the dark void of black. The boy's brows furrowed in confusion and a slight concern for himself, arms feeling what was around him. A coffin. He wasn't dumb.

   Placing his hands in front of him, he pushed as hard as he could. While not the brightest idea since:

1 ) the coffin door flew off due to his strength.
2 ) he was met with blue flames

   He flinched due to instinct but calmed as the flames reminded the emerald ones of his great-grandmother. The flames soon calmed, disappearing into nothing which even though the blond has seen happen many times, still never ceased to amaze him.

   Though, it seems as the owner of the flames wasn't as in awe as the human, for the black cat's eyes widened in shock. " Whaaaaaaaa! Why are you up!? " it screeched. [Name] flinched at the abrupt noise, standing straight as if he were one of the army.

   When he didn't sense (too much) harm, his posture calmed to a slight slouch. " Es tut mir so leid, I didn't mean to scare you. " the prince gave a bow, careful as to not tip the beautiful crown that rested atop his head. " May you be so kind as to inform me of where I reside as of current? " he tilted his head, giving a charming smile.

   " And, If not a bother and not offensive, are you a feline cat? You resemble one greatly," he added, eyes sparkling in adoration.

   " Just who are you calling a raccoon! I am the Great Grim! " 'grim' huffed in annoyance. " Oh! I'm sorry. . . " [name] sweatdropped, sighing. " Anyways, Hurry and gimme those clothes! Otherwise... I'll roast ya! " flames of blue licked the walls, these much more hostile than before.

   " AH! " the blond jumped back quickly, eyes wide. " Hey. . .I think I hear my mother calling. . .! See ya! " he runs off with inhumane speed, swerving directions through the halls of what he assumed was a school.

   Finally, he stopped at a library, not breaking a sweat from his run. Instead, he looks around, taking in the beautiful scenery.

   " Did you really think you'd get away from my nose? Dumb human! If you don't wanna get roasted, better hand over - " the shrill voice of grim spoke, but was cut off by a loud whip sound. [Name] gasped, brows furrowed.

   " Buwah!? Ow! What's with this cord? " grim cried out. " This is no mere cord. It is a lash of love! Ah, found you at last. Are you one of the new students? " a man who adorned a crow mask? Asked the boy.

   " I beg your pardon? " the said boy tilted his head. " You shouldn't do things like that. Leaving the Gate on your own! Not only that, you have yet to tame your familiar which has broken a number of school rules. " he huffed, clearly peeved.

   " Familiar. . . ? " the poor prince was as confused as ever. " Let me go! I'm not their freakin' familiar! " Grim struggled against the binds. " Sure, Sure. The rebellious ones always say things like that. Just quiet down for a moment. " The man rolls his glowing eyes under his mask, using his hand to cover the flaming feline's mouth.

   [Name] furrows his brows, a pout forming on his crimson lips. " My goodness. It's unprecedented for a new student to leave the Gate on their own. Uuuggh... How impatient can you be? The entrance ceremony is already well underway. Let's head to the Hall of Mirrors. " everything was rushing by so fast. . .

   " New student? Gate? Can you please elaborate??? " [Name] blinked, a brow raised as a hand makes its way to his hip.

   " It's the room you woke up in with all of the doors. All students who wish to attend this academy must pass through one of those doors to arrive here. Normally, students wake up only after the door is opened with a special key but... " the man trailed off.

   [Name] was silent, wracking his brain for any excuse as to not take the blame. ' !! ' he smirked internally. Grim wouldn't mind. . . right~?

   " The fire must've burned the lid off. " [name] gave a forced sigh. Grim looked at him as if he were a mad man. " So in the end, the culprit appears to be this familiar. If you're going to bring it with you, you have to take responsibility and properly take care of it. " that went through one ear and out the other as he carelessly nodded.

   " ... Oh my! Now isn't the time to be long-winded. The entrance ceremony will soon come to a close. Let's get a move on. " with that, the man walked off dragging grim. [Name] stood back for a few seconds, moving the upper side of his robe. Suddenly, three fairies fly out. Red, Green, Blue.


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   " I oughtta give him a piece of my mind when I get my hands on him! " Maria, the fairy of blue, huffed, star-shaped sparkles emitting from her wings. This caused [Name] to gently chuckle.

   " Not if I do, first! " Fiona, the fairy of red, placed her hands on her hips which swayed, her petticoated skirt following. Heart-shaped sparkles fall from her wings.

   [Name] walked the same way the strange man went, fairies following him.

   Maria glared at Fiona. " Who said you'll get to be first!? " she crossed her arms. Fiona glared back, hands clenching to fists.

   " N-Now, now! Let's not fight! " Faith, the fairy of green, babbled, hands waving at rapid speed. Leaf-shaped sparkles shimmer at her wings.

   [Name] sighed, continuing on his journey behind the masked man as the fairies hide once more in his robe.

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