A Timid Lich's Gretting/Exorcism in a Mansion

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[No one's POV]*a few days later*
Y/n, Kazuma and Aqua can be seen walking in town with Aqua shivering a bit, due to the cold weather. Kazuma was a bit traumatized from the "Orc" Incident that the rider orchestrated as payback for killing him, but manages to get over it in a couple of days.

Y/n: So..is there any reason why we are walking here, Kazuma?

Kazuma: I want to learn of a new skill to use of Quests we'll take. I don't want to always rely on you to take care of our problems.

Y/n: You make a good point.

They make a stop in front of a Store, possibly where Kazuma is likely want to be.

Kazuma: Well, here we are. *turns to Aqua* Listen up. I'm only gonna say this once: Behave in there, you got it?

Aqua: Who do you think you're talking to?! I'm always perfectly behaved, thank you. I mean really..do I look like some lowlife thug? Hello..im a goddess, you moron.

Kazuma: *ignores Aqua* Y/n, you coming?

Y/n: Yeah.

Aqua: *sees them walking in the door, not paying attention to her* Hey! Don't you walk away from me!

[Inside the shop]
Behind a register overlooking a product is a beautiful and well-endowed woman with fair skin and a curvaceous figure. She has brown eyes and straight brown hair reaching down to the front of her shoulders and further behind her back, slightly curling at the tips. Her fringe sometimes covers her right eye. She also possesses a single ahoge that arcs off the top of her head. Her clothing consists of a purple dress with a dark purple cloak/robe over it.

 Her clothing consists of a purple dress with a dark purple cloak/robe over it

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She turns to greet the people coming inside..

Woman: Please, Com- *turns around, but screams in fear* AAAHHH!!

Aqua looks at the person and then screams and points at her..

Aqua: You!! Come here, you undead tramp!! Who said you can open a shop in my town!?

Kazuma then got ready to bash Aqua's head with his scabbard, but y/n places a hand on his shoulder..

Y/n: No..I'll deal with her.

Kazuma nods and backs off as Y/n walks towards Aqua still shaking the poor woman with a blank look on his face.

Aqua: You think you're better than me?! By the Gods, I'll burn this place to the ground with y-

She was cut off with a painful karate chop to the head..

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