Seeing Family from above/Homeowner demands justice

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[Last time]
Y/n fought against Hiryu Kakagowa and obtained his own Personal Zi-O Final Form, defeated him and revived an entire village. Before leaving, he obtained a card, bearing a great sword with Oma Zi-O liking to it. He used a dimensional wall to return to his guild.

[Now with Y/n]
The young rider appeared in from a dimensional wall in front of a waitress, cleaning a table..

Waitress: *gets startled* Whoa!!

Y/n: Hehe..Sorry about that. Didn't see you there. You ok?

Waitress: It's alright. What brings you here?

Y/n: Rank Extreme Quest that I completed. Many hours ago.

Waitress: What was it?

Y/n showed her the quest he completed and was the girl was surprised..

Waitress: Whoa! This is a very dangerous. You must've had a strong party to be with you.

Y/n: Actually, I did this all on my own.

Waitress: WHA-*gets her mouth covered*

Y/n: Please, don't cause a commotion.

Waitress: *muffled* S-sorry.

Y/n removes his hand and wipes it with a napkin.

Y/n: Yes, this quest was highly dangerous alone..but I'd pulled through.

Waitress: must be strong.

Y/n: You can say that. Anyway's I gotta go to the quest stall to turn this in.

Miranda: Ok. My name is Miranda.

Y/n: Y/n. See you around.

Y/n walks from the girl, as the said latter stared at him going..

Miranda: *thinking* He's cute. I give him that.

Y/n saw his party sitting on a table, alongside Chris, chatting amongst themselves. He walked towards them and gets their attention..

Y/n: Hello.

They all turn their heads to see their Leader/Friend coming to them. Megumin was the saw to speak up.

Megumin: Y/NNN!!

She jumps from her seat and glimpse onto her friend and hugs the daylight out of him.

Megumin: *cheery* You came back!

Y/n: *pets her head* Told you I'll be fine.

Darkness: *hugs his backside* We thought that you weren't gonna come back.

Ashley: *hugs left arm* You had us scared.

Aqua: *hugs his right arm* I hate seeing you gone this long.

Y/n: I am sorry. But I did defeated the Another Rider.

Chris: That's cool.

Kazuma: So, How's the quest?

Aqua: What was the reward?

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