𝗫𝗩 · Jᴀsɴᴏsᴛ

214 16 57


the quality of being certain or definite

· —————— · 𖥸 · —————— ·

What the–

No... This can't be.

A blend of disgust and betrayal coalesced into confusion; fortunately, they failed to acknowledge my presence. I knew I had to promptly remove myself from their proximity before I did or said something I'd have regretted; hence, I strode towards the bathroom, shutting the door.

Flashbacks of the night Amadej had cheated on me jammed my consciousness. Blonde. All I discerned was blonde. After all those months, I finally managed to connect the dots, realising that was undoubtedly the same girl I'd seen him with. Up next was the suspicious memory of Amadej ditching me at the bar to search for Mateja during our reunion, neither of them returning before I departed.

I shut my eyes with a sigh.

How could I be so fucking dense? My best friend and my ex... So she is the reason our relationship sank. I can't fucking believe this.

I can't believe her.

I pursed my lips while distressingly raking my fingers through my tangled hair, fisting a handful, attempting to stifle the boil within. I dreaded leaving the bathroom, so I temporarily shut my surroundings out. I didn't know where to go from there, but one thing was certain: I didn't need Amadej in my life anymore, and it appeared neither did he need me. However, I also didn't want to be anywhere near Mateja, the mere thought of her making my stomach churn.

Mateja... That fucking snake. After everything... how could she? Why? I trusted her, goddammit! What a fucking idiot.

Before I could continue cussing Mateja and myself out, I heard a set of footsteps ascend the stairs. What threw me back to the outrageous reality was the unforeseeable sound of Mateja's voice.

"Mummy, I just cleaned up the grocer–"

At once, my eyes bulged as I lifted my head.


"Goodness, what the fuck did I just walk into?!" Mateja's voice lifted.

"Mateja! You're back already... And, um... Well..."

Freeing an exasperated exhale, I abruptly left the bathroom and strolled towards Mateja. It really wasn't her in Amadej's arms; she was situated by the doorframe, eyeing the pair in repulsion.

She faced me, uttering: "Ksenija, I–"

"No," I cut her off quietly, my mind still widespread. "It's fine, I actually... saw them right before you came."

Stepping before the door, the sight I perceived was perhaps the most abhorrent sight I'd ever seen. I locked eyes with the concerned woman Mateja had inherited her beauty from... her mother.

Mateja uncannily resembled her. Their luscious blonde hair was styled identically with even olive skin covering their petite figures; even their captivating sea-green eyes mirrored one another, Klavdija's being more hooded. You could say Klavdija merely appeared like an aged version of Mateja.

What the fuck... How could I forget they practically looked like twins? And that this is Klavdija's bedroom?

I held no time to conjure another thought nor begin processing the unsettling twist before Klavdija faced me, still in her white cotton undergarments, while Amadej sought his clothes.

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