"grimmski, i am sorryski for your houseski being burned downski" telexo said
"no ur not" grimm said sadly
"yeah you are correct bc it wsnt my fualt" telexo grinned
"get out of my face you sans kinnie" grimm yekled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"okayk, because ia ma, in fact, a sans kinnie, i will leave" telexo left.
once tlexo was gone, grimm was alone again bc grimm has a tenccerciy to be alone. that's what you get for living so far from spawn you weirdo. grimm had fathered lots of dark oka wood and was ready to buold their house again but it didnt ork. grimm was too sadge to bubild house. saad.
the ned