𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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//This Chapter will be told in several different POVs- and even though I write in 3rd person and sometimes I alternate between their different thoughts, this is different because the same scene will be written several different times in different perspectives. It's kinda hard to explain so you'll see ahaha

Also, fair warning before you continue: There's gonna be blood and death//


Zacharias didn't know if he should laugh at this pathetic excuse or be offended that she really thought he would fall for it. Amongst the faces present were the lead maid Marcella, Gabrielle who raised Lethe from a toddler, Ralph who taught her the basics of hand to hand combat, and many more. The group consisted of mostly the younger and the elder. 

She wasn't selling these people, he knew that for sure. But then again, how ruthless could she be to achieve what she wants? That is something that Zacharias knew well, and to a certain extent, he could also see this being something that Lethe would do. 

Get rid of the weak, make room for the stronger. 

Regardless of all that, the doubt still mingled in his mind, refusing to slip away so easily. He turned his gaze to the faces of the servants, trying to read them. It was pointless trying to find something in Lethe, her mask hid everything but her eyes, and even those were kept controlled. Better to turn his attention to the easier target. 

"You're telling me that you're selling these slaves?" He asked, taking unhurried steps toward the group, particularly in the direction of Gabrielle. A woman who looked like the human embodiment of the sun, with warm honey-brown eyes, and smile lines near the eyes and mouth area. The older woman did not falter nor did she cower, even though she was looking at the ground, she released an aura of calm gentleness that seemed to mock Zacharias' subtle attempt at intimidation. 

Lethe didn't bother to answer the question. She had already said so not a few seconds earlier, she didn't see any point in confirming or denying it. The last time she'd met him, he was far from going deaf. 

In a way, Lethe's lack of reply served as one in and of itself. The silence was a more powerful way to show him how valueless his question was. 

Zacharias roughly grabbed Gabrielle's shoulder and pulled her apart from the group, bringing her to face Lethe. "Do you think I'm dumb? You're—" 

"No. I don't think you're dumb. You are quite smart, in fact. You are just lacking the intellect to play this game with me, thinking you can win." Lethe interrupted, she wasn't surprised he wouldn't believe it, in fact, she knew he wouldn't believe it. So, raising her hand, she pointed to Gabrielle and started listing off reasons why they were no longer of any use to her. 

"Gabrielle, too old to keep up."

Next, the head maid, Marcella. "Marcella, too weak in the mind, a soft heart will only be a burden to me and therefore of no use."

A timid girl in the back. "Carly, impossible to train. Too weak in upper and core body muscles as well as stamina."

Ralph, with white hair and saggy posture. "Ralph, no longer able to keep up with the training. Sickly and too slow."

A tall, young man near the front. "Taylor, terrible reflexes, gruesome aim. Lacking in coordination and basic needs to become an assassin or anything useful."

Her criticisms were cold and to the point. Striking where it hurts the most. 

"But most of all, they are all weak. I have no use to keep such people fed, so I'm selling them." She concluded, looked back at Zacharias once more. If he wanted an act, she'll put up an act. But one of the most basic rules of deception is to never waver in the act. Follow through with it to the end. 

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