Chapter one

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(Outfit above^^^)

"You're leaving?" I exclaimed as I looked at my sister in shock.

"Just for a little while Val, but I promise, I'll come back as soon as I get the wand". Mal said, placing a hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off.

"You promised me you'd never leave me.. you all did". I shouted, looking behind her at Evie,  Jay and Carlos.

"I know we did but we have to go. I love you Val". My sister sighed as she pulled me into a hug.

"Fine then, just leave". I dead panned , pushing her off me and climbing out the window.

A tear escaped my eye as I walked down a street and I quickly wiped it away before any one saw. I'm one of the most baddest Villian kids on this isle and if I get caught crying or showing emotion, my title will be lost.

"Is that a tear I see?" A familiar voice chuckled and I looked up to see Uma.

"No, I got something in my eye". I quickly answered and she smirked.

"You know you can't lie to me Val, now tell me.. why  are you upset?". She asked with a fake pout, circling around me.

"Go away Uma, I'm not in the mood for your games". I snapped, causing her to chuckle.

"Oh sweet Evil little girl, I'm not playing any games.. I think I know why you're upset". She smirked coming to stand in front of me.

"I'm not upset". I glared and she scoffed.

"Mal is leaving for Auradon and left her sweet little sister behind". She said in a baby voice.

"So, why do you care? Scared that I'm gonna take her position on the isle.. is that why you're really here, to challenge me for it?... well go ahead and take it, I dont want it". I snapped about to walk away from her.

"I'm here,  because I care for you". She spoke, making me stop in my tracks.

"You as in The Uma actaully cares about someone other than herself?" I chuckled dryly, turning around to look at her.

"I know, shocking isn't it?" She mocked then scoffed at me.
"You're sister sure knows how to make an impression out of me". She chuckled dryly.

"What is it that you really want Uma?" I asked growing impatient.

Uma took a few steps towards me until she was just a fingertip away from my face and my breath hitched.

"You". She smirked.

(Two years later)

I sat at our usual table glaring at the TV as my sister pretended to be something she wasn't.... A stupid prissy pink princess.

A second later, Harry, one of my best friends came barging in through the doors and placed a string of fish on a waitresses tray. He walked over to Gil and I and jumped over and sat down.

"Ya know Val, if ya glare any harder, the tv might explode". Harry smirked in his thick scottish accent.

Uma came busting into the restaurant from the kitchen with a scowl on her face, as she walked behind the table with a tray of Harry's food and threw it in front of him, before grabbing a fish stick and throwing it at the tv.

"Ugh, poser". She mumbled and Harry chuckled.

"Traitor". He yelled at the tv and Uma turned to glare at the customers.

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