chapter three

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"I'm back". The familiar voice called out and my head snapped up towards the direction my sister was standing in.

"Loser party of one, right this way please". Uma said in a bored tone.

Mal walked towards the table Uma was standing in front of and she slid a chair over to Mal who caught it before it hit her and Uma giggled.

I got up and walked over to Uma and stood beside her. Mal looked at me with sad eyes as I glared down at her.

"Place still stinks". Mal gloated as she looked around the shop.

"I'm sorry, we're down a butler today.. princess". I mocked with an eye roll.

"Where is he?" She asked not even looking at me.

Uma ripped her apron off and glared down at Mal.

"You know I've dream of this. You wanting something from me and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook". Uma laughed.

"I'm so flattered you dream of me. I havent given you a thought since I left". Mal said in a bored tone and i slammed my fist against the table causing her to jump.

"Obviously... you have the perfect little life". I glared at her.

"Doesn't she have the perfect little life". I yelled out and the customers started yelling.

"And we're twenty years into a garbage strike". Uma spat.

"Listen if you have some sort of score to settle with me... game on. I see no need to bring Ben into this". Mal said irritably.

"It may be a little unnecessary but oh it is so much fun". Uma smiled.

"Here's the deal". Uma announced placing her hands on the table.

"Just like your mother, always a catch". Mal mumbled and Uma gave her a look.

Uma sat down on the opposite side and brought her elbow up onto the table.

"If I win. Ben is free to go". Uma smiled batting her eyes.

"I want Vallory too". Mal said looking at me and i raised my eyebrows.

"I dont think so princess". Uma spat.

Mal sighed before reaching out and grabbing Uma's hand.

"Don't you wanna know what i get if i win?" Uma asked innocently

'Still dreaming". Mal commented and Uma hummed.

"Last time I checked your mother thought she had things pretty sewed up too. How did that work out for her again?". Uma taunted and it was Mal's turn to give her a look.

"On three". Mal said ignoring her comment.

"One..two... three". They counted.

"You know the whole princess act, never bought it for a second. You can stick a tiara on a villain,  but you're still a villain". Uma spat.

"And you can slap a pirate hat on but you're still shrimpy". Mal teased causing Uma to slightly falter.

Mal started flashing her green eyes and Uma started to lose her strength, so i had to step in.

"If Uma wins, you bring us the wand". I smirked from next to Uma. My statement caught Mal off guard,  making her falter and Uma slammed her hand against the table and we cheered.

"Now, if you want beasty boy back, bring me fairy godmother's wand to my ship tomorrow at twelve noon, sharp". Uma instructed before walking away.

"And if you blab, you can kiss your baby goodbye". I added before walking away from her following Uma.

"Do you think she will bring the wand?" Uma asked as we sat outside on the ship.

"My sister is many things, but being stupid is not one of them. If she know's what's best for Ben, she'll bring it". I answered as I lay my head on her shoulder.

"We're almost there my love. We will be free this time tomorrow". She mumbled before turning slightly and kissing my head.

"Hey Vallory, wanna join us?" Gil called as he and Harry put their swords down from play fighting each other.

"Two on one?" I asked and Harry cheered.

"Oh come on,  you're always on his side". He whined as I got up and stood next to Harry.

"More like two on two". Uma laughed standing next to Gil and we groaned.

"Hah, take that". Gil said pulling his tongue at me.

"Whatever, you're going to lose anyway". I smirked as I raised my sword.

"Uh uh baby, you versing me tonight". Uma smirked and I smiled.

We raised our swords and began play fighting with each other when Uma disarmed me and managed to turn my body and push me against her.

" I win". She smirked in my ear.

"You cheated". I whined.

"How did I cheat?' She asked and the boys started laughing.

"Because Uma, you can't distract your opponent by flirting with a random hobo next to us". I replied and she laughed.

"You're right, but I can with you ". She smiled and I pulled away from her and turned to look at her.

"Val, Uma!". Celia called excitedly when she boarded the ship.

"Hey kid". Uma smiled at her.

"Can I play?" She asked excitedly.

"Can you take on me lassie?" Harry asked roughling her hair.

"You bet Hooky". She smirked.

"Let's see what you got". He smirked and I handed her my sword.

I watched happily as Celia and Harry started playing with a smile on my face.

"It's times like this when I forget the world we live in". Uma sighed as she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind.

"She doesn't deserve to live in a world like this, not her or Dizzy or any other kid on this isle". I responded.

"We will free them. Tomorrow is the last time they suffer in the hands of Beast and Belle". She mumbled.

"Ha, I win". Celia cheered .

"That's not fair, you said my shoe was untied". Harry groaned.

"Harry, your shoes don't even have laces". I laughed.

"I should get going before dad worries about me". Celia said as she came up to us and hugged us.

"Alright, we'll see you tomorrow ". Uma smiled when Celia pulled away.

She walked off the ship and I sighed as I sat on the edge and looked down at the water.

Uma, Gil and Harry joined me as they sat next to me as our feet dangled off the edge.

Uma wrapped her arm around my shoulder and I leaned into her touch.

"I love you". Uma whispered into my ear and I smiled.

"I love you too". I smiled up at her and she leaned down to kiss me before looking out at the ocean again.

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