This is about it be long and all I ask is if you would please read what I'm about to say.
As some of you know, I am South African. But what some of you don't know is that this country is at war with each other.
On Monday morning around 4 A. M South African Citizens began looting all the malls in every city in and around KwaZulu Natal. They claimed that this was about the former president Jacob Zuma going to prison, but in all honesty this was not the case.They raped woman, killed children and set properties and Houses on fire. They broke into shopping malls and left nothing untouched, during this stampede, seven looters were trampled to death.
The area my grandparents live in was destroyed and set alight. I'm not even joking when I say that a friend of mine and I had to get them out their house and take them to safety.
And listen when I say that this is not a race thing, like most of the people claim it to be, because it wasn't just African people doing this. The president was nowhere to be seen, the police were helping the looters in destroying the country and the army was 72 hours late.
The community had to come together to do the police's job to protect the people living in the area and nearby shopping centers. Every single race had come together in helping each other out. Strangers that we had passed by everyday have now become family. We have no food anymore.
We have to carry weapons when we go to stand in long ass lines for scarce supplies in order to feel safe. We once feared the virus, now we fear each other.
This has been going on for a week and all we can hear at night is gunshots, screaming and tire's screeching.
An 18 year old boy was shot for protecting his family from looters entering their home.
My community has managed to block off all entrances coming Into our area with their own cars and setting it alight so the looters cannot come and destroy our local food supplies. The aim here is to starve us out as long as they have food.
They patrol endless hours trying to protect the families in the area, people I know. My uncle works for the South African Police defense Unit and I was mortified when I found out that he was under attack, one of his partners were killed and I feared for him and every person out there helping us.
All I ask is for you guys to pray for our beloved country. We are suffering here. I haven't been able to update books, because of the situation we are in. They have cut our water pipes and our electricity lines, but we managed to get them working again.
I beg of you, my beloved readers, please pray for us. We need all the help we can get.
Your thoughts and prayers go a long way.
Thank you for taking your time to read about what's going on out here.
You are truely blessed.

Descendants Uma X Reader
FanfictionValory is the younger sister of Mal.. She looks up to her sister until one day her so called friends and sister leave for Auradon, promising to come back for her. But that never happens, she gets left on the isle and Uma and her pirates are there...