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Violettas point of view


"She's in premature labour, we have to get her to a hospital"

"No! I want to have the baby at home!" screams Angie

"Angie please, for the baby" Dad says quietly.

In all the comotion the abulance that Olga called arrives. There was only one seat in the ambulance so Dad went with her and that was all I saw. The last thing I remember was the sound of Angie screaming in pain...

"Vilu, Violetta?"

"What happened? Is Angie ok?"

I open my eyes and see Olga smiling at me "She's fine and so is the baby"

Relieved I wrap my arms around her neck.

"You passed out when Angie was taken to hospital. You've been unconcious for a good hour!"

"But they're safe? The baby is ok?"

"Come and see for yourself! Thats why we woke you up, were going to go see them!"

I cant believe it! They are ok! But i mssed it. I really wanted to be there for Angie and I passed out! I'm just glad only Romallo and Olga were there to see it.

"Vilu! Youre awake!" decared Leon

Oh no! He saw me like that!

"Hurry up lovebirds, weve got a visit to pay!" shouted Olga. She can be so emarassing!

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