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German's pov

I wake up to Angie shaking me violently so I will wake up.

"German, it's Vilu's room" she whispers

A single scream is heard. I need to help her so I dash into her room to see her lying on her bed unconscious.

"ANGIE HELP ME" I scream as she is shocked in the doorway. She runs over and listens to her heart. She lets go a huge sigh of relief before trying to wake Vilu up.

"Vilu, it's alright. It was just a dream" she whispers until she wakes up, shaking.

"you.. left. Aiden had the cord round his neck. I saw him and..." she breaks down. Angie looks at me to get the baby and show he is alright. But what if Vilu is right? What if she really saw him like that? I don't want to go in. I hover round the door, praying that he is okay until I hear a muffled cry. I walk in to see a happy Aiden all safe. I have never been so grateful for a baby to cry. My baby boy.


Sorry I haven't updated in a ridiculously long time, I just don't know where this book is going. So I was wondering if anyone would like to help by commenting ideas or this could become a collaboration with another author if you are interested. Thank you for everything

-Becky Mai

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