Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,
Its been 5 months since Germán left on his 6 month business trip and i miss him so much! I know its silly as we skype every day but i wish he was here with me. Luckily, he will return the soon, before the baby is due. In the end, we decided to not find put the baby's gender so we painted half the nursery a pale green. Its really sweet as Vilu and her friends designed and painted it!
Recently, Vilu has been amazing! She and Clara Rose are really close now and they are so cute together. Every other day, León comes over and helps out too. I love seeing them play with Clara Rose because it makes me realise how great parents they would be, but at the same time its scary how quickly Vilu's grown up. Its her 18th birthday next week! Its sad that Germán cant be here for it but Olga and Romallo are planning something so im excited! They wont tell me what it is so im really eager to find out!
I put down my diary amd head downstairs to see Vilu and León chasing Clara Rose around the sofa.
"i'm going to get you!" Says León as Clara Rose squeals with exitment.
"Good morning Mrs Angie" shouts Olga from the kitchen door"would you like a cup of tea?"
"Yes please Olga!" I say before joining in the game of chase.
Suddenly, Vilu rugby tackles me to the sofa and starts tickling me like mad.
"L..Leó!" I scream between laughs as León runs over and starts tickling Vilu.
"No...No...Cant...breathe!" And with that León stops, worried that Vilu would pass out or something.
"Gotcha!" Vilu laughs before running into the dining room, sending Romallo spinning as he walks out.
"What was all the comotion about?" He questions frowning
"Just a tickle fight!" I say before i lunge at him and start tickling him.
"!" He shouts before i ease up and stop tickling him
"i didnt know you were so ticklish! Ill keep that in mind for future!"
~Time Skip~
I finally get home after a really long day at the studio.
"Mummy!" Screams Clara Rose before running up to me and hugging my knees. That always puts a smile on my face. Suddenly, i feel a han don my shoulder. I turn around to see...

That was the end of the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed, please leave a comment if you did!

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