A suprise

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"Pablo!" I say exitedly
"Angie I was wondering if you would like to come to a teachers dinner with me..." He askes shyly. He was twiddling his thumbs like he does when hes nervous.
"Of course Pablo! I would love to. Why are you so nervous?"
Pablo blushed slightly but before he could answer I saw something over his shoulder...
"GERMÁN! AHHHH!" I scream, running into his arms. He picks me up and swirls me round, which isnt easy as im so far into the pregnancy! "What are you doing here?"
"Arent you pleased to see me? Ill just go back then" he replies with that cheeky grin that makes me smile every time.
"AAAH DADDY! MY DADDY IS HOME!YAAAAAAY!" Screams Clara Rose as she runs out from the living room. Seeing them together makes me realise how perfect my family is.
"Dad? Is that you?" Shouts Vilu, coming down the stairs, León following her "DAD!"
Vilu runs down the stairs but tripps on the last step. Luckily, León catches her. They stare romantically into eachothers eyes before blushing violently and stepping away from eachother.
"Can you believe we were ever like that?" Germán whispers in my ear
"Oh, so were not anymore?" I reply jokily
"Oh no Angie I" he says, not realising the smile on my face. Before i can help myself, i burst out laughing.
"Im just glad to be back" he says quietly wrapping his arms around me, giving me butterflies and a warm fuzzy feeling i get when hes near,and pulling me closer to him"my perfect little family" he whispers, making my stomach do somersaults before softly kissing me. Ive missed him so much.
Sorry if you thought this was a new chapter but it was really annoying me how bad this chapter was!

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