Chapter 5

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At around four, Daichi and Suga went to the cafeteria for something to eat. They both ordered some meat buns before sitting at one of the tables.

"Mmm. Wow, these are really good," Daichi gushed, licking his lips. Suga nodded in agreement.

"Don't tell coach I said this but they might even be better than the ones from Sakanoshita."

The pair laughed before enjoying the rest of their food in silence. Suga was really having fun, and this might even be the most fun he's had in years. Whenever he's with Daichi, he feels complete. Of course, he couldn't tell Daichi that. Except, he will. He had decided to tell Daichi how he feels today, and that's what he's going to do.

Suga's been having so much fun, he almost forgot about that. Maybe he'll tell him at the next exhibit.

Daichi had been the first to finish his food, Suga following soon after. They threw away their trash before looking at the map once again.

Suga's eyes looked at all the exhibits on the paper in his hands, the coral reefs catching his eyes. "What about the coral reefs?"

The grey-haired man looked up at his friend to see he was staring off in the distance. Suga furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion as he nudged the man. "Daichi? Hey, Daichi."

The man's head immediately snapped to Suga as he shook his head. "Sorry, what?"

"I asked if you wanted to check out the coral reefs... Are you okay?"

The man nodded, smiling at Suga. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking; the coral reefs sound fun."

Suga smiled at Daichi as the man walked past him. He followed close behind the brunet, eventually catching up behind him as they came upon the coral reefs. Suga wondered what Daichi was thinking about earlier; maybe it was him? Or something else.

Suga just shook his head as they entered a circle-shaped room. Suga's mouth fell open as he stared at the enormous tank surrounding them. Fish and sea life of all kinds swam in all directions, coral reefs of all sorts of colors sitting on the seafloor. Suga couldn't help but think how beautiful it was.

This is perfect; this is the perfect setting to tell Daichi. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from inside the tank. Suga slowly walked up to the glass, placing a hand on it as he stared at the fish.

Suga has always loved the sea, it has always fascinated and amazed him in so many different ways. All the life and the creatures you can find in the ocean.

Suga noticed Daichi wasn't beside him, and honestly, he was glad. This means he could hide his face while he spoke to Daichi. Where would he even begin? How was he supposed to tell his best friend, who has a girlfriend, that he's in love with him? Suga silently scolded himself for not thinking this through.

Letting out a quiet sigh, Suga tried to get his hands to stop shaking. "Daichi, there's something I want to say..."

"What is it?" Suga heard Daichi ask from behind him. This is it! This is the moment of truth. Suga's about to tell Daichi how he feels.

"I'm having an amazing time here with you. You always make things so much fun, and I think that's why we became friends. You're a pain sometimes, don't get me wrong," Suga let out a quiet laugh before continuing, "but there was never a time where I wasn't having fun with you. So, thank you. Thank you for everything... Look, I know that you and Aiko are together, and this probably sounds selfish and makes me sound like a bad person, but..."

Suga paused, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He was scared it might burst, but he ignored it. He decided to face Daichi for this last part. And so, Suga spun around on his heels and opened his mouth to speak. However, he stopped when he noticed his best friend.

Daichi's eyes were glossy and he looked lost in some kind of daze. Suga's eyebrows furrowed as he gave him a confused look. "Daichi?"

Everything seemed to move in slow motion for Suga as he watched Daichi fall to the floor, his body jerking uncontrollably. Suga gasped, dropping his things as he ran to his friend. Dropping to his knees, Suga's mind felt blank. His eyes watered as he shouted; a seizure?!

"Someone help! Please!"

Suga didn't know what to do as he watched his best friend on the floor, his body jerking in painful ways.

"Move, out of the way!" Someone shouted, before dropping to their knees on the opposite side of Daichi. Suga watched as they rolled Daichi onto his side. "Sir, call an ambulance. Now! This man needs help."

Suga's body felt numb as he couldn't move his eyes away from Daichi's writhing body. A hand on his shoulder, shaking him, pulled him back to reality. His head snapped up to the person. It was a young man, around his age.

"What's your name?" The man asked. Suga answered with his name. "Okay. Suga, I need you to stay calm, okay. An ambulance is on its way."

Suga slowly nodded, a tear slipping from his eye as he closed them. Why was this happening? And why now? Suga has never heard of this happening before so why was it happening now?

After about five minutes, multiple paramedics pushed their way through the crowd. Daichi's body hadn't stopped moving, and Suga was getting very scared. The medics carefully loaded Daichi's body onto a gurney before wheeling him away.

Suga immediately reacted by grabbing the things he dropped and running after the paramedics. They eventually reached the ambulance and Suga was about to get on, but one of the medics stopped him.

"I'm his best friend, let me in," the grey-haired man said to the medic. The medic said nothing as he let Suga into the back of the ambulance. Suga's eyes never left his friend as the door closed and the ambulance took off.

"Sir, what's your name?" One of the medics asked Suga.

"S-suga. Kōshi Sugawara. A-and my friend's name is D-Daichi Sawamura."

The medic nodded before asking Suga another question. "Do you know what caused this?"

Suga wracked his mind for any indication as to what could've caused this, but he couldn't think of a single thing. However, he does know when it started. The first time Daichi stared off in the distance! He should've seen the sign. Suga's eyes were clouded with tears as he looked up at the medic to answer his question.

Shaking his head, Suga said, "I have no idea."


Well, I'm going to die... Y'all are gonna kill me now, aren't you? I'm sorry.

Anyway, I know you probably didn't enjoy this one so I'll see you in the next chapter.


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