This Scene Doesn't Suit Me

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A low groan escaped through a crack under the closed door. Kick frowned as a hand grasped the back of his neck and gently pushed him through another doorway. It was a closet, large and expensive, filled to the brim with clothing. The kiss on his forehead did nothing to fix his mood as a suit was presented before him.
    "No." The nineteen-year-old daredevil growled, crossing his arms with a glare. "I don't want to."
    Gunther, clad in an expensive handmade suit, furrowed his eyebrows. Why did his boyfriend have to be so difficult? "C'mon Kick," he cooed, waving the expensive fabric slightly. "It's just for one night. I know you don't want to go but this is really important for my business and I really want you there."
    The brunet ran a hand through his coarse hair and huffed. His blue eyes flitted back and forth between Gunther and the suit. Kick gave his lover an inquiring look; "Why did you even get me a suit? You know I have one already."
Gunther shook his head with a small smile, "What a liar, you don't have a suit, and you won't be able to trick me like last time."
Kick snickered with a shrug. "I was surprised you fell for it, honestly."
"Yeah, yeah, that was the last time I'm trusting you to pick out formal outfits."
The brunet waltzed up to Gunther and took the black suit from his hands. He placed a chaste kiss on the blond's lips and walked away. "Fine, you win. Don't expect me to be happy about it, though."
"Thank you, Kick, you don't know how much this means to me."
"Whatever, just get ready you dork."
The brunet strolled into his bathroom and shut the door, not bothering to lock it for various reasons. Kick carefully shoved his body into the fancy clothing and tightened up any loose ends. It took almost all of his restraint to prevent himself from popping his collar whilst fastening his tie. He combed through his hair and fit it snugly behind his red-striped helmet. Kick hummed at the sight the mirror showed; while it wasn't as comfortable as his usual clothing, Gunther did do a great job choosing a fit that did justice to his figure. He looked pretty good.
Kick opened the door once again and left the safety of his bathroom, and scanned the area for any sign of Gunther. When the blond was nowhere to be seen, he checked their bedroom. The pair had decorated the large room with various posters and bright furnishing. Kick had been the one to choose the decor, so Gunther picked the color. The walls harbored a saturated blue that Gunther wore most often. Kick on the other hand, chose a vibrant red that contrasted nicely with the blue. They really combined the best of both worlds.
The brunet wasn't surprised to find his lover sitting on their bed, tying his expensive black shoes. Nor, was he shocked to see the slicked back hair or slight blush on his cheeks. Gunther was always like this before fancy business meetings; flustered and overdressed. Hell, Kick couldn't think of a time when Gunther didn't stress over his appearance. He did seem more wound-up than usual,though, and Kick suddenly wished he'd paid attention to what the party was for.
Taking a small step inside, Kick announced his presence. "You look great, Gunther. I wouldn't be surprised if the other guests look half as handsome as you."
The blond whipped his head and stared with wide eyes at his boyfriend. Gunther's shock subsided as he took in what Kick was wearing. "You look just as great, babe."
Kick stopped mid-walk and took in what his partner had just said. Blood rushed to his face and he sped towards the bed, flopping down with a huff. The brunet crossed his arms and looked away. "Don't call me that." He muttered, sending a small glare in Gunther's direction. When the blond met his gaze, even more heat filled his cheeks.
"Don't call you what, babe?"
Gunther was just irritating him now. Kick yelped as the blond pulled him into his lap, wrapping his arms around the smaller male's waist. Kick pushed uselessly against his boyfriend's grasp and blushed furiously. It wasn't long before he fell limp and allowed Gunther to bury his face in the crook of his neck. He closed his eyes as he felt Gunther press soft kisses into any bare skin. The ministrations stopped as a sweet kiss was planted on the brunet's cheek.
"Why are you so worried about tonight?" Kick inquired, returning the favor to both of his boyfriend's cheeks. He switched positions so he was now turned towards Gunther's face, staring lovingly into his eyes. "You are plenty good enough to hang out with those black-suited businessmen."
Gunther smiled warmly at his lover and hugged him tighter. A sad sigh escaped his lips. "I don't know, Kick. We have a really important deal to close tonight and I'm just worried."
Kick nodded in understanding and grinned. Almost immediately Gunther knew what he was going to say. "No, Kick. If there's one thing I need from you it's not help." The grin faded into a frown at this and the daredevil sighed. "Just incase," Gunther added, keeping a firm gaze on his stubborn boyfriend, "I've prepared some ground rules for tonight."
A groan split through the air and Kick leaned forward onto Gunther's chest. "Really, Gunther? Rules?"
"Yes, Kick, rules. And this time I need you to follow them. It's just for one night and I'll give you a reward afterward, okay?"
The daredevil perked up at this but didn't remove his head from Gunther's chest. He'd might as well follow the rules his boyfriend would set, he owed it to him. Many times before Kick had ruined certain things with his need for adrenaline. Besides, he wanted to know what that reward would be. Kick hoped it was food, honestly. Gunther was an amazing chef.
"Alright hit me with 'em."
"Okay, but listen up because I am not saying this more than once." He continued to speak once he got a nod from the small daredevil in his lap. "Rule number one: No stunts, unless there's an emergency. I know how you get with people you disagree with, but please don't do needless things. Rule number two: Do not talk to any of the businessmen or women I am working with. If they come up to you I am just your plus one, that is it."
Kick snapped his head up and gazed into Gunther's eyes. Fear was plastered all over the blond's face. He knew that Gunther was nervous, but not so much as to completely cut Kick off from the company he was talking with. They must really have an important thing to discuss. Nonetheless, Kick was a little hurt by his words. Of course, it's not like his parents know of their relationship either, so who's he to talk.
"Rule number three: Please don't drink too much champagne. I really don't want to carry a drunk Kick home tonight."
The brunet huffed at that, "When have I ever gotten drunk? It's you who drinks too much alcohol!"
A sheepish noise fell from Gunther's lips and he scratched the back of his head. "You're right, but I still thought I'd mention it anyway. You're quite the loose canon, Kick."
"Eh, whatever, I won't have anymore than a glass or two. I can promise you that, at least."
Gunther hummed in acknowledgement before pulling the boy close in a tight hug. He buried his head in the junction of Kick's neck and breathed in a deep sigh. "I really need this, can I trust you to follow my rules?"
Kick gently ran his hands through the blond's slick-backed hair and closed his eyes. "Of course you can. I promise I'll do it this time."
"I'll be holding you to that."
They sat in a moment of silence before Gunther stood up, still keeping a firm hold on Kick. The brunet yelped and squeezed his boyfriend tighter. "What are you doing?!" He asked in a slightly panicked voice.
"We're gonna be late if we don't leave now."
"I can walk, you know." He muttered with a huff, red blooming on his cheeks. Nonetheless, Kick didn't put up even an ounce of fight to get away. If anything, he sunk into the touch.
Gunther only hummed in response, resting his chin on Kick's helmeted head. Only when they neared the front door did he release him. Setting his boyfriend down gently, he opened the dark wood door and ushered him outside. Gunther pretended to not notice the pair of roller skates Kick grabbed before heading out. The blond knew he had to trust his boyfriend, but sometimes his actions completely contradicted his words. Gunther just hoped that he'd wait until after their meeting to do anything crazy.

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