Kick and Gunther go on tour rather often, especially considering the fact that fans couldn't get enough of both of them. If you're wondering why I say both, it's because Gunther was actually more famous than his boyfriend at the time. With a large fanbase in Scandinavia and, interestingly enough, France, when he began working with the biggest hit star in America they became a power duo. Well, they were technically already a power duo before fame, but then again that was before fame.
This year, their biggest destination was somewhere in Maine, which is actually about an hour from the Cul-de-sac. So, during the short week that they are situated there Kick and Gunther took some time to visit family and friends. Sometimes they'd get more than they bargained for; this is one of those times.
The pair were just driving into town after finishing day one of their tour. Both were tired beyond comparison, as you are after dealing with a mob of screaming fans. Not to mention the fact that Kick couldn't wear his helmet at all without getting swarmed. So as they drove into the Cul-de-sac, Kick tossed his red-striped helmet into the back. He ran a hand through his brown locks, stifling a shiver of disgust, and glanced nervously at Gunther.
When the blond parked the car, he took a moment to stare back at his boyfriend. Gunther discreetly kissed him on the cheek and ran a hand through his hair. "You look fine, Kick, don't worry about what anyone will say. I think you look adorable."
The said male tilted his head down so his bangs covered his eyes. Kick's hair was rather long due to the many haircuts he missed. He always kept the hair no longer than halfway down his neck though, otherwise he wouldn't be able to tuck it into his helmet.
"Whatever," he mumbled, a hot blush creeping up his neck. "Let's just go greet everyone."
They walked out of the car, waving to a few neighbors that sat out front, and knocked on the front door. Almost immediately Honey was there opening the door for them.
"Gunther!" She cried, wrapping him in a large hug. She then turned her gaze to Kick and confusion lit up her face. "Who's your friend? I thought you were bringing Kick?"
Kick sighed and shook his head, "I am Kick, Mom. To think you've forgotten me..." He pretended to be sad for a moment, but broke into a smile shortly afterwards.
Honey gasped and brought Kick into a warm hug. "I'm sorry sweetie, I just forgot what you look like without your helmet. I haven't seen your hair in years you know. I almost forgot what color it was!"
Kick smiled and patted her shoulder, "It's okay, I never really made it easy on you."
Honey's eyes shone with pride as she pulled back and ushered them inside. Two out of three of her children were stars, that was more than she could ask for. Not to mention, Honey hadn't seen her child in a year and a half, he had grown so much.
Harold and Brianna sat on the couch, Brad had left the house the same year that Kick gained his fame. Brianna was still seventeen so she had a year to go before she was truly an adult, her being two years younger than Kick and all. Everything looked almost the same as they had left it. Kick was almost tearing up at the sight, he really did miss his family.
Noticing Kick's sudden mood change, Gunther placed an arm around his shoulder in comfort. The brunet sunk into the touch and leaned on his boyfriend slightly. A soft hum broke its way through Kick's lips.
Brianna hopped up from the couch in excitement, stopping once she locked eyes with Kick. Confusion crossed her face and she gave Gunther an inquiring look. The brunet sighed and walked up to Brianna, capturing her in a warm embrace. "Hi Bri, it's good to be home again."
Recognition flashed in her eyes and she returned the hug tenfold. Burying her head in his neck she breathed in a deep sigh. "I missed you, big brother."
"I missed you too."
They sat there for a moment until Bri had collected herself. Then she pulled back, wiping her eyes and looking him up and down. Then she took a manicured hand and pinched a strand of his hair hashly. "Do you even know how to wash your hair?" She scolded, "This is a sad day for all of the Buttowski family members, even Brad took care of his locks better than you."
Kick scoffed and crossed his arms, "I'll have you know that this hair of mine was scrubbed three times before I came here. I knew you'd call me out like this, you are a Pageant Queen after all."
"Darn right I am!" She exclaimed, "I'll fix your hair tonight, you can thank me later."
Kick snorted and nudged her slightly, "Whatever you say."
He gave his dad a firm hug and plopped down on the couch with a sigh, Gunther joining him. Kick closed his eyes and snuggled slightly into Gunther's side. He made sure to disguise it as an entirely platonic movement as to not raise suspicion. As far as Kick and Gunther knew, both their parents disapproved of anything involving the same-sex romantically. While they didn't say anything vile outright, their opinion was still present in the small comments they made.
The TV was turned off as Harold and Brianna turned their attention to Kick and Gunther, curiosity sparkling in their eyes. The brunet opened an eye and smiled at the pair. He adjusted his position so that he was cross-legged on the couch and facing them.
"You clearly want to ask something, so just spit it out already."
Harold went first. "So, since you're famous and all you had to have met a bunch of pretty ladies right? Have you found yourself a girlfriend yet?"
Kick frowned and shook his head, "Nope, too busy with work to worry about stuff like that. Plus, most of the girls are far too overbearing for me."
Brianna groaned and leaned back against the chair she sat in. "No way! I was looking forward to teasing you about that! If only you'd kept in touch with Kendall before she went off to college..."
"Why would I talk to her of all people? She hated me!"
A sly smile crawled across the blond's face and she crossed her arms. "You're so oblivious, Kick. Kendall didn't hate you, she was in love with you!"
"Ew!" Kick spat, scowling in disgust. "That's gross."
This reaction seemed to surprise Brianna and she thought for a moment. The blond girl was certain that her brother wouldn't react that way. In fact, she assumed he'd say the complete opposite. While they did fight a lot, Bri associated their actions with sexual tension more than anything. It seems that the feelings were one-sided, poor Kendall.
"Oh well, I guess I won't be giving you her number then."
"Why do you have Kendall's number anyway? I didn't think you two were friends."
Bri scoffed. "Of course we aren't friends! I only kept her number so I could give it to you! She wanted to see you again after all these years. I actually think she's in town this week, you should go see her."
"No thanks, I'd rather die on my next stunt."
"That's rude Kick."
"I don't care."
They sat in silence for a moment and soon enough the TV was back on again. Kick leaned against Gunther again, sighing in contentment. He could tell by how stiff his boyfriend was that he didn't like the conversation they just had. The brunet wasn't surprised by this, Gunther had become quite the jealous type. Maybe that was because of Kick's obliviousness.
The daredevil closed his eyes and tried not to fall asleep, he was rather tired from the ride here though. Peace enveloped his body and soon he had fallen into Gunther's lap. The blond ran his large hands through Kick's hair and lulled his boyfriend to sleep. He ignored the strange looks he got from Brianna, knowing that she wouldn't say anything.
When Harold left the room to go help Honey make dinner, Bri krept closer. Eventually she found herself sitting on the other side of Gunther. An air of curiosity radiated off her being and the question that sat in her head finally escaped her lips.
"Do you know if Kick likes girls?"
Gunther gave her an odd look, a small smile creeping its way up his lips. She blushed and turned her head away, an embarrassed groan breaking through the silence.
"I just figured that if anyone besides Kick would know it'd be you. Don't you guys share an apartment?"
"We do." Gunther confirmed, he was wary to answer any more questions. He knew Kick's feelings on letting anyone in his family know about them. Unfortunately, Brianna was catching on to their relationship and there was nothing he could do to stop her. So, Gunther opted to answer any inquiries she had and hope she wouldn't say anything.
Another bout of heat lit up her cheeks and she spoke again. "Don't take this the wrong way, but do you two..." Bri trailed off and collected herself. When she finally found her voice it was soft and tentative. "Share a room?"
Gunther snorted and decided to humor her a bit more. "Yes we do. Why are you asking?"
"Is Kick your boyfriend?" Brianna blurted, burying her head in her hands. A flustered noise escaped the girl and she began to ramble. "I'm sorry! That was an insensitive question to ask! Two guys can share a room without being a thing. Please forgive me Gunther!"
The blond waited for Kick's sister to relax then answered her question. "Kick... is my boyfriend, yes."
Brianna's eyes widened and she smiled triumphantly. "I knew it! You guys seemed too close to just be friends!"
"Keep it down!" Gunther whispered, slapping a palm over her mouth. "Kick would kill me if your family found out about us."
Bri pushed his hand away and nodded, "I can keep it a secret. Why is Kick so worried about this anyway?"
"I honestly don't know." Gunther replied quietly, "I think it has something to do with his trust issues. Brad really left a bit of an imprint on him."
"Brad was an asshole." Brianna agreed, "Maybe Big Brother will open up to us a bit more now that he's gone."
"Now that who's gone?"
The pair jumped and whipped their heads to the side. It was Harold who had snuck up on them. The blond girl gave her father an award winning smile. "We were just talking about dear Bradley and his unfortunate leave."
"Oh, Brad? We invited him to come see Kick before he left on the rest of the tour. We don't know whether he'll come or not though."
Gunther's smile was forced and frustration pricked through his veins. He wasn't on the best terms with his boyfriend's brother. In fact, they absolutely resented each other. Well, resent was a strong word, he only disliked Brad due to his bullying nature. Not to mention, he picks on Kick any chance he gets.
It seems that the hand tousling his boyfriend's hair became too tense as Kick let out a small whine and shifted his head. In a gentle movement, Gunther untangled his fingers from his brown locks and rubbed circles into his back. Within moments, Kick was back to sleep again.
Harold shrugged and sat back down into his chair. He turned on the TV and watched an intriguing documentary on mail. When Brianna and Gunther were sure he wasn't listening, they returned to their hushed conversation.
"So what do you guys do?" She asked, amusement lacing her voice. "I imagine it's a lot like having a girlfriend, especially with how weird my brother is."
Gunther shrugged and ignored the blush rising to his cheeks. "We do anything a normal couple would do, kissing, hugging, all that jazz. Kick is nothing like a girl... he's far more real."
Bri smiled at that and nodded, "I like that answer."
The pair sat in silence, allowing the small male next to them to sleep. Soft purrs that could barely associate with snores, escaped his mouth. Kick relaxed under Gunther's comforting touch. He was absolutely adorable.
Before long dinner was ready to eat and Gunther had to Kick. He shook the brunet by the shoulders and toyed with his hair a bit more. Eventually he opened his eyes and stretched. Blue irises met the man before him and he smiled warmly. Kick sat up and ran a hand across his face.
"How long was I asleep?" He murmured, leaning slightly onto his lover. It seemed that Kick hadn't yet noticed Brianna, who was looking on with an approving look. She didn't care about who Kick decided to spend his time with, all that mattered was his happiness. Unfortunately, their parents didn't believe the same.
"Not too long," Gunther cooed, pressing a subtle kiss to Kick's cheek. "It's time for dinner though."
Kick hummed and hopped off the couch, stretching yet another time. It was at this moment that he locked eyes with Brianna. Her expression was foreign to him. Looking back at Gunther gave him the answer he was looking for.
"Did she say something to you?" Kick asked his boyfriend, pulling his arms above his head. He relished the feeling of his muscles loosening and wasn't at all surprised to see a guilty expression cross Gunther's face. "Or did you say something to her?"
The tension thickened the longer Gunther remained silent and Kick found himself sighing. The brunet crossed his arms in a small gesture of "hurry up" and waited even more.
"I told her about us." Gunther mumbled, twiddling his thumbs nervously. He had no idea how Kick would react to this news. Which is never a good thing when your boyfriend is a loose cannon.
Kick's mouth twitched but he didn't say anything. In a quick motion he turned his gaze to Brianna and stared into her eyes. "And how do you feel about this?"
Bri smirked and leaned back into the cushions. "You guys are cute."
The brunet broke into a smile at this and ruffled Gunther's hair. The blond immediately perked up at this and released the breath he'd been holding. He was so glad that Kick wasn't mad at him.
"Bri, you are going to keep this a secret right?" Kick asked, a pleading expression crossing his face. Just the thought of revealing his secrets sent fear running up his spine.
His apprehension dissipated when Bri "zipped her lips" in a childish motion. "Thank you."
The trio heard a call from the dining room and smiled at each other. Each and everyone of them knew that Honey was excellent at cooking, and today was meatloaf night. Brianna even convinced her to make her famous cookies.
They sat around the table and gawked at the feast around them. Potatoes of two kinds found their place around the centerpiece; a large meatloaf. A ceasar salad was placed to the side of the loaf, gravy resting on its opposite. Without delay the Buttowski children, and Gunther, layered their plates with food. Before they could dig in, Honey quickly snatched all of the silverware on the table.
"We have to wait for Bradley, he said he was on the way."
Kick's eyes widened and a frown crossed his face. Only then did he notice the extra seat next to him. The brunet groaned and smacked his hands on the table. "Do we really have to wait for Brad? He probably won't even show up!"
"Clarence Buttowski!" His mother scolded, "Of course we are going to wait for your brother, he's family! Even if it takes all night, you will not touch your food until he is here!"
Harold gave her a nervous smile at that, one could tell that he was hungry as well. "Dear, maybe it's best that we let Kick eat. How long has it been since he's had a home cooked meal? The stuntman business is rather demanding isn't it?"
Gunther opened his mouth to respond, but was shushed by a rather cold glare from Kick. The daredevil faked sadness and looked down at his food. "I always get takeout or something like that, I don't usually have time to cook."
Gunther shot his boyfriend an annoyed expression, but stayed quiet. The blond was the chef of their household(Kick occasionally made breakfast). He had learned a great deal from BattleSnax, and cooking had been the foundation on which he grew his fortune. In fact, the two of them rarely ever ate fast food. But, he knew Kick's plan and by the looks of it, Honey was falling for it.
"Well," Honey began, a concerned expression crossing her face. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt for you to eat a little bit. Just don't eat the entire meatloaf!"
Kick smiled warmly and thanked his mother with enthusiasm. Brianna and Harold shot him a look of gratitude and they dug into their feast. Gunther smacked Kick's knee under the table and gave his boyfriend a disapproving look. The brunet just shrugged sheepishly and continued eating.
It wasn't long before everyone at the table had finished their food. Brad still hadn't appeared and one could tell by the downtrodden depression on Honey's face that she was upset. She had barely eaten anything on her plate and only commented a bit in their conversations. Time passed some more and soon the unfinished food was wrapped and fit into the fridge. Kick and Gunther did the dishes and laughed along to a conversation Harold and Brianna were having. Soon enough everyone was sitting together on the couch and chatting about meaningless things. Kick and Gunther made exaggerated motions as they explained a rather hilarious story.
Honey checked her phone for the last time and sighed. "I don't think Bradley is coming."
This caught the attention of everyone in the room and they all frowned. Harold wrapped an arm round his wife and pulled her close. "It's okay... I'm sure Brad just got caught up in something and will be here soon."
A small nod from the woman in his arms didn't help anything and Kick tugged lightly on his brown locks, a thoughtful expression plastered on his face. "Do you guys know where Brad lives?"
Harold shook his head. "Nope, Brad says we wouldn't like his "pad" so he doesn't invite us over."
Kick hummed in acknowledgement and pulled out his own phone. He turned it over in his hands and walked toward the door. The brunet glanced at the people around him and smiled. "I'll give him a call." With that, he walked out the door and sat on the concrete steps.

Kick Buttowski Suburban Daredevil Oneshots
FanfictionThis is exactly what it sounds like! There was a startling lack of fan fiction based off of this TV show, so I made my own entertainment. Most of these Oneshots are about 4000 words or so- some are WAY longer- and feature the ship; Gunther X Kick. I...