It Happened Once in a Dream

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Kick could tell by the off color of his room he was dreaming. The once red themed room was reduced to a deep blue. He was wrapped in plaid blue sheets and wore a tank top with black shorts. It didn't help with the freezing temperature in the room. Every breath he took left a puff of condensated air. Why was it so cold in here?
    He carefully exited the bed, flinching as his feet hit the ice-cold concrete. The carpet that once layered his floor was gone, giving way to cracked gray cement. A turn towards the left side of his room revealed a full length mirror. He locked eyes with himself and could barely contain the bile that rose up into his throat. He looked awful. Bruising littered his bare arms and legs, accompanied by scars of many sizes. Kick turned his gaze up to his face and scowled. Messy brown hair sat atop his head, doing nothing to compliment the purple shade of his skin. A large portion of his face was bruised badly, and his lip was split. That was not what set him off the most though, no, it was the blistering red of his eyes. He blinked and suddenly the reflection was gone. Everything had gone back to normal, his irises a blue-green.
    Kick turned away and looked around at the other side of the room. The only thing there was a warm brown dresser with a couple of photos atop it. Nothing out of the usual, thankfully. A shiver ran down his back and Kick was suddenly hyper aware of the cold. He wrapped his thin arms around himself and attempted to warm up. The temperature only got worse and worse until he could see ice crawling up his fingertips. Kick shakily rotated back towards his bed and walked towards it. He reached a frozen hand out to the sheets, clasped them tightly and closed his eyes.
    Kick opened his eyes again to a warm breeze ruffling his clothes. When he looked down he was back in his jumpsuit with his usual helmet. A relieved sigh escaped his lips and he examined his surroundings. He was perched atop Dead Man's Drop, hands clasped tightly around the handlebars of his bike. Gunther stood beside him announcing something but he couldn't hear it. The wind around him canceled out everything except for one phrase: deadly metal spikes.
    At that, Kick's gaze shot downward and he paled slightly. All around the bottom of the drop were large, rusted spikes that were pointed upward. Only a slim board sat atop them, balanced precariously between their sides. Kick took a deep breath and calmed himself, he could do this. What kind of daredevil would he be if he didn't at least try?
Gunther looked over at him and offered a shaky smile. Kick returned it, pretending that he didn't see the fear in his best friend's eyes. Apprehension bubbled up in his chest, a hot burning sensation. A breath, a few more seconds of collection, and he was racing down the hill at startling speeds.
Wind stung his cheeks, forcing Kick to squint. Thrill filled his body as Bonesaw's wheels jumped over rocks and dips in the dirt. Dust flew up in his wake and a smug smile fell across his lips. When he released a hand from his handlebars to grab the sign it was as if he'd done a thousand times before. He was whipped to the side by the sign and directed towards the plank.
Kick grinned and lined himself up to the board, everything was going just as planned. In a few more seconds he'd be over that plank and collecting his glory. As he neared the wood and spikes, Kick took a moment to look out at the crowd that had gathered. Kendall sat near the front with her arms crossed, a glare plastered on her face. Her friends stood behind her, watching in awe.
Kendall uncrossed her arms and locked eyes with Kick. He grinned, the bumpy path shaking his vision a bit, and shot her a thumbs up. He continued to watch her as she put a hand in her pocket and pulled out a large gray object. He continued to watch her as she gestured at him with the rock, he identified at that moment. And he continued to watch her as she threw the rock at his only way to freedom.
Kick's gaze shot towards the piece of wood that had now fallen from the spikes. Fear filled his body, the same freezing sensation he had felt before this. He only had time to launch himself from the bike as the spikes came upon him.
Red filled his vision as white hot pain enveloped his stomach. A cry escaped his lips as well as a bubble of blood. Kick listened to the screams around him, but they were distant, as if he was underwater. He tilted his head back to lock eyes with Kendall, a pained expression crossing his face. She stared at him with wide eyes, tears welling up in them. Kick didn't doubt the regret her face captured, she did just kill him.
He jolted when two warm hands grasped his body. A whip of the head revealed Gunther and Kick relaxed slightly. "Kick," Gunther sobbed, pulling him closer, "What were you thinking!? This stunt was way too dangerous!"
Kick opened his mouth to respond but all that came out was a gurgle as blood filled his throat. Ice crawled up his body, starting at the fingertips. Gunther wiped the blood from Kick's lips and placed the brunet's head in his lap. "Please don't speak," he whispered, "Just relax and keep breathing."
Kick laughed at that, soft painful huffs of breath, the burning in his abdomen intensified. He looked up at Gunther's face and immediately stopped laughing. Tears flowed like rivers down his friend's cheeks. His face was tinged with red and he almost looked more in pain than Kick himself. The daredevil lifted his hand off the ground and shakily placed it on Guther's cheek. He wiped away the tears and offered his friend a reassuring smile.
He continued to stroke Gunther's cheek until the sound of an ambulance reached his ears. Kick's fingers felt heavy and he looked at them to see a thin layer of ice. He thought back to what he'd seen in the mirror earlier, it was almost the same experience. He gasped as his body spasmed and his vision went blurry. Kick's hand dropped back onto the ground and he turned his head away from Gunther. He couldn't allow his friend to see him die like this.
Kick attempted to squirm away, ignoring the intense pain in his abdomen, but Gunther's hold on him was too strong. "Kick!" He screamed, as the said boy began to thrash in his grasp, "What are you doing!? Stop! You're going to hurt yourself!"
The daredevil shot an exasperated look at Gunther and turned away again. He continued to squirm and the pain in his stomach grew worse. He gave one more sharp tug of his body and completely dislodged the spike from his stomach. Kick gasped and moved a hand to where blood was now pooling from his wound. He heard shouting and realized that the paramedics had arrived. Would they even be able to get to them in this field of pain? Kick had no idea.
Gunther noticed that Kick had stopped squirming and he immediately looked for the reason why. A shout from behind him revealed the paramedics who were trying to make their way through the spikes. He yelled "over here" at them and looked back at Kick. His friend had adopted a pale color and was now clutching his stomach like a vice. Gunther grimaced when he saw that the spike was no longer in the wound. Panic flowed through his body when he caught a glimpse of all of the blood staining the ground. Shit, Kick was bleeding out!
Gunther looked back at the paramedics with a panicked gasp. There was no way they were going to get to them in time. He gazed back at Kick and made the executive decision, he had to get Kick over there. Gunther nudged Kick lightly to get his attention. The brunet lolled his head to the side and looked at Gunther with lidded eyes.
"I'm going to have to carry you to the ambulance, okay?" Gunther asked, relocating his hands to Kick's shoulders and legs. Kick nodded slowly and leaned his weight against Gunther, a sharp gasp left his lips as he was lifted. Every step that the blond took left a stabbing pain to bloom in his abdomen. Kick's vision was blurry with pain and ice. He was so damn cold, it was like frostbite.
"Gun..ther..." He whispered up to his friend. "I...I Yo..u."
The said male looked down at Kick and cried out in anguish. "No! Keep your eyes open! Keep your eyes open, Kick! We're almost there!"
The daredevil, try as he might, let his eyes fall shut and leaned back against Gunther's shoulder. He felt frozen from head to toe and had lost control of his own extremities. As the scenery fell away from his sight, the last thing he felt was a warmth on his lips.

Kick Buttowski Suburban Daredevil OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now