school's out

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After Pink's tickling stunt, he told Donna about the few things that happened while he had been gone, like his run-in with the coaches and O'Bannion's return.

"Are you kidding me? I have to deal with that creep for another year?" Donna complained. She slouched back in her chair and thought about all the times he'd pissed her off in the past three years. Fred O'Bannion was one of those boys who was more than just annoying; he was straight up ignorant. Donna thought she was finally free of him, but apparently not.

"I know. What kind of idiot flunks senior year?"

"One that's too scared to grow up and would rather spend his time tormenting kids. He seriously needs a reality check."

Donna dropped the conversation and tried to clear any lingering thoughts about O'Bannion from her head. She was determined to not let the bad news affect her day.

The two continued to talk about little things until the final bell of the school year rang. Everyone popped up to their feet and began to scramble for the door, summer awaiting them on the other side. Donna stood towards the back of the crowd and Pink slung his arm around her neck as they made their way out of the room.

"Okay guys, one more thing: this summer when you're being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth of July brouhaha, don't forget you're celebrating the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristricatic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes," Ginny quipped.

Donna laughed as Pink shouted, "Yeah!" She waved goodbye to her teacher one last time.

"Have a good summer!"

As she got into the hallway, she was met with the chaos of students running everywhere. She saw Shavonne and Jodi walk into the bathroom and took Pink's arm off of her shoulder so that she could follow after them. Her hand lingered in his for a second, and her heart sped up. He smiled and looked into her eyes, and even in the crowd of people, Donna's focus was completely on Pink. "I'll see you later," he whispered into her ear. And with that, he disappeared into the crowd.

Donna slowly turned and walked towards the bathroom, mindlessly bumping into a few people along the way. As she opened the door, she shook her head and tried to clear away all distracting thoughts. Right now, all of her focus was on the girls.


The three girls piled into Shavonne's truck and got ready to pull out behind Darla and Simone. "School's Out" played in the truck, and Jodi reached to turn the volume up as loud as it would go. The girls shouted along to the lyrics, and Donna sat on the door so that the top of her body was hanging out of the truck. She continued singing loudly and put her hands up in the air as they pulled out of the parking lot. She giggled as the wind blew through her hair and the girls messed with her from inside the cab.

Once they arrived at the junior high, the girls jumped out and began looking around for freshmen. Darla stood up on the bed of the truck and yelled, "Alright freshmen bitches, line up here so we don't have to waste our time hunting your pathetic little asses!" The girls laughed at Darla's dedication to her role as head bitch in charge.

Only a few girls cautiously made their way towards the trucks, so Simone went into the crowd to pick out more for the hazing. Donna helped the girls onto the trucks and began handing them pacifiers.

"Alright, y'all just hold onto these and sit tight," the older girl explained. She hoped her calm manner would somewhat comfort the girls. She remembered how scary it was not knowing what to expect at her hazing.

Eventually, the two trucks were lined with freshmen sucking on pacifiers. Donna had to laugh at the sight. She saw Jodi talk to one more girl and bring her towards the truck. The girl's mannerisms reminded Donna of Jodi when she was that age, and she assumed that's why she picked her.

As they left the school, Donna stuck her head out the window to face the freshmen. "Hold on tight girls!"

"You know, I kind of feel bad for them," Jodi said.

"Jodi!" Shavonne and Donna whined.

"Lower your voice! They can't know that!" Shavonne told Jodi.

"Just...remember what we went through," Donna started. "If it makes you feel better, think of your role as the one who comforts them. You can be the one to comfort them after Darla is done screaming in their faces. They'll love you for the rest of the year!"

Jodi smiled a little. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"There you go! Now let's enjoy this."


Back in the parking lot, the seniors had the girls lined up surrounding Darla. Each girl was watching a small group of freshmen to make sure they were following orders. Donna quickly glanced around the crowd watching and spotted Kaye with a few of the nerds and Pink and Don sitting on the back of a car.

"All right you little freshman bitches!" Darla screamed. "Air raid!"

The girls collapsed to the ground, but of course not fast enough for Darla's liking. They repeated the cycle of air raid, get up, and repeat a few more times while Darla was leading them. Eventually, she called for the seniors to head over to the grocery bags and get the next supplies: food. Donna grabbed the Cool Whip and started spraying it over her head, watching it fall on the freshmen. She made laps around, spraying it on their clothes as they laid with their eyes squeezed shut.

As she passed the boys, she heard Don say something about how Shavonne's ass looked in her jean shorts. Donna was fed up with comments like that from guys, so she walked straight up to Don with an innocent smile and proceeded to spray the Cool Whip all over his hair. "Fuck off," she added so that her point was clear.

Don sat in shock as the cool whip fell off his sticky hair. Pink broke down laughing, slapping his knee and all, so Donna sprayed a little bit on his face for good measure and walked back to the girls.

"That was badass," Simone said as Donna walked past her. 

"Someone needed to do it."

Simone laughed and took the Cool Whip from her hand so that she could spray some into her mouth. Donna signalled for Simone to do the same for her, but the two were moving so much that the girl ended up getting it all over her face. At this point, the two were laughing so much that Simone was falling into Donna, and Donna almost tripped over a freshman lying on the ground. "Oh shit!" she cackled.

"We need to...we need to keep going," Simone managed to get out. She made her way over to a group of freshmen while Donna looked around to see what the others were doing. Some of the girls were crawling around on leashes and collars while others were shaking all over the ground. The whole scene was chaotic, and Donna loved every bit of it.

Some of the seniors were taking the girls to propose to older boys, but Donna knew how degrading that could be so she just joined Simone in making the freshmen "fry" in the sun. Eventually, it was time to leave for the carwash, so Darla rounded the young girls up to load back into the pickup trucks. Donna waved goodbye to Simone and said a quick goodbye to the other girls. After everything that just went down, he was hot and out of breath, but she was also filled with adrenaline.

She made her way over to where Pink sat on his car, thankfully free of Don.

"You ready?"


just found out dazed and confused is being taken off of amazon in two weeks idk how i'm supposed to handle that !
guess i better get to writing !!

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