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The three pushed through the front doors of The Emporium and were met with a wave of music and overlapping voices. Donna saw groups of people she knew around the pool tables that filled the room. The crowd was mostly upcoming seniors and this year's graduates, along with a few juniors and sophomores scattered around. Donna congratulated a few of her friends who had graduated last week while making her way to one of the foosball tables behind Kevin.

One of Slater's friends which she vaguely recognized handed her a can of Lone Star that she gladly accepted. She leaned against the end of the foosball table and glanced around the room to observe everyone. She saw Don snaking his hand around some girl's waist and grimaced. If he was trying to get with Shavonne, he was going to have to try a little harder. Donna couldn't imagine what she saw in him. She watched a boy at another pool table hit a ball so hard it flew onto the floor. Donna laughed at the guy's lack of talent and watched as he retrieved the ball that had rolled across the room.
Continuing to scan the crowd, Donna caught sight of Julie and one of her friends. She decided that there was no reason for her to stick around the table and made her way over to the girl. As much as Donna loved to tease her little sister, the two got along really well. Ever since Julie grew out of being an annoying middle schooler, Donna actually started to enjoy her company.

She greeted the two girls and offered them both beers that she had picked up on the way over. The three stood around the countertop along the wall and made small talk for a while. A Bob Dylan song started playing out of the speakers, and Donna grabbed her sister's hands and began to dance. The girls were just messing around and dancing haphazardly like they used to do when they were little and danced to their mom's records in the living room.

The doors to The Emporium opened and Donna paused to see who was coming in. Her eyes were first drawn to Wooderson, the twenty-something year old that she thought spent a little too much time around high schoolers. Then, her eyes ventured to his left to see Jodi's little brother, Mitch. At least he wasn't limping. Her eyes soon darted over to Wooderson's right; there stood her recent fixation: Pink.

He was wearing the purple button down shirt that Donna once said was ugly when she was too drunk to have better judgement. She had quickly apologized and frantically tried to take her words back because what she had meant to say, and what her incapacitated state had prevented her from saying, was that she thought it would look bad on anyone other than him. It wasn't as much of a compliment as she thought. Pink was not offended by her boldness that night, though; he thought it was the funniest thing in the world. And it obviously didn't sway him in his choice of wardrobe. Donna really did think it looked good on him; she liked the way that his staple shell necklace matched his pants and complimented the purple color. For some reason, it just suited him.

Donna watched as the three strode through the clusters of people. It was then that it kind of hit Donna that Pink really was the big-shot, quarterback, "popular" guy. She always knew that Pink was supposed to be the guy that ran the school. She never believed in such cliche roles as that, but in that moment, with Pink strutting through The Emporium, Donna almost understood what that was all about. He looked like he owned the place. Donna unabashedly stared.

The boys walked over to the foosball table where Donna had previously been stationed. She was just far enough that she couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but she noticed Wooderson and Kevin greet each other while Pink and Mitch stood at the end of the table. Mitch was dressed for the occasion, and Donna thought that he would probably fit right in. She wanted to make sure of it.

"Jesus, Donna. Cut the staring," Julie said.

Donna quickly turned back to her sister and tried to think of a response. "I wasn't...I was just...looking."

cherry bomb // randall "pink" floydWhere stories live. Discover now