Chapter 15

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That night when we got back Wanda went directly to her room. After a couple of hours, I went and talked to her. I opened the door amd she noticed me.
"This is my fault" She said staring at the TV.
"That's not true" I said walking inside.
"Look at the TV. They are being very specific" She said. I sat besides her and turned the TV off.
"We all can make mistakes" I conforted her.
"Not when they mean killing almost 30 people" She said looking down.
"This job is complicated Wanda. I'm gonna tell you a story that I've never told anyone before. One time, I was tired of my father not letting me go to any missions, so I runned away from home and sneaked into one of the bad guys they were trying to catch. I wanted to prove that I was capable of doing the job. Ten people died that night because I tried to save a kid who was being tortured" I started saying "We try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes it doesn't mean everybody, but if we can't find a way to live with that, next time mabey nobody gets saved" I finished. Wanda looked at me for a second and suddenky Vision came into the room through the wall.
"Vis, we talked about this" Wanda said.
"Yes,  but the door was open so  I assumed that-" He started saying. "Ember, Wanda, Stark wants you to go downstairs" He said before leaving the room.
We went downstairs and everyone was there. I sat down next to Bucky and he placed his metal arm of my thigh, making me shiver. Suddenky, the secretary of State came into the room.
"The works owes the Avengers an unpayable deb" He started saying "You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives. But while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some would prefer the word Vigilantes" He said.
"And what word would you use Mr. Secretary?" Nat asked.
"How about dangerous" He said. "What would you call a group of US-based enhanced individuals who rutinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will, whatever they choose and who frankly seem unconcerned about what they leave behind" He said. He stped aside to show us a vidio of all of the places we fought villans, destroying the cities we ere in. We all looked at eachother concerned. When they showed the Sekovia part, something changed in Wanda's expression.
"Okay, that's enaugh" Steave said.
"The governments of the world can no longer tolarate that you work unsupervised, damiging cities all around. But we have a solution" He handed a big book to Wanda. "The Sekovia Accords, aproved by 117 countries in states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization" He said as we all passes the book to eachother. I scoffed. "Instead, they'll opperate under the supervision of a Unites Nations panel, only when and if  that panel deems it necessary"
"The Avengers make the world a safer place" Steave defended us.
"Tell me Capitan, do you know were Thor and doctor Banner are right now?" The Secretary asked. Steave stayed silent.
"Well, talk it over. We need a desition by the end of the day. The final desition will be madi in Vienna with the King of Wakanda" He said before leaving the room.
Everyone started arguing as I stayed in shock. Steave was reading the book they gave us.
"I have an equation" Vision said above all the noise.
"Great, this will solve everything" Sam said sarcastically.
"Since Mr Stark came out as Iron Man, the number of potentially world-ending events had risend" Vis said.
"Are you saying it's our fault" Steave asked.
"I'm saying that it  might be a causeality" Vision answred.
"Tony you're being uncharacteristically non hyper-verbal" Nat said looking at my father.
"It's cuz he already made up his mind" I said without moving a muscle. He stood up and put on his phone pictures of Sekovian kids. He started to give a background to all of them, ending it with the word dead.
"What are you saying with this?" I asked, starting to get mad.
"There is no desiton-making process here. We need to accept this" He said.
"If someone dies on your watch you don't give up" Steave said.
"Who said we are giving up?" My dad asked.
"It we accept this contract, we agree that we are not taking responsibility for our actions" He said.
"Steave, that is dangerously arrogant" Rohedes started saying. Everyone started arguing at the same time again. Bucky noticed me getting tense, so he grabbed my hand below the table. I smiled at him at the gesture.
"If we don't do this now, it's going to be done to us later" My dad tried to convince Steave.
"You are saying they will come for me" Wanda joined the argument.
"We would protect you" Vision said.
"Mabey Tony's right" Natasha said.
"Nat? You agree?" I asked surprised.
"Ember, you don't?" My dad asked.
"If we have one hand on the wheel we can still see her" She looked over at Wanda "We have made some very public mistakes. We need to win their trust back" She explained herself.
"Great, case closed" My dad said.
"Are tou kidding?" I said standing up.
"Ember, don't start" My father warned me.
"Are you realky gonna allow this? You can't do that" I said frustrated.
"I can and I will" He said angrily. I stared at him with anger in my eyes and then left directly to my room.

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