Chapter 6 - Season two

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⚠️Warning: Curse and a pannick attack.

The next day, Rhodes called the Secretary so Cap could convince him that we needed to fught.
We all walked behind Steave, Bucky by my side. The secretary's hologram looked at us with disgust.
"Mr Secretary" Steave talked.
"You've got some nerev. I'll give you that" The secretary walked towards us slowly.
"You could use some of that right now" Nat said.
"The world is on fire" He said now talking to Steave. "And you think all is forgiven?"
"I'm not looking for forgivness. And I'm way past asking for permission" Steave said defying. "Earth just lost it's best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way, we'll fight you too" He finished. The secretary looked at him with a serious face.
"Arrest them" He said now to Rhodes.
"All over it" Rhodes answred before ending the call. We all stood in silence, not knowing what to say.
"Well that went great" I said sarcastically.
"We are not giving up. We are gonna find Tony and Peter" Wanda said.
"Wow. You guys look like crap" Bruce said walking into the room. I was shocked to see him. It's been a really long time since I saw him. "Yeah, I'm back" He said shyly.
"Hi Bruce" Nat smiled.
"Nat" He nodded.
"This is awkward" I whispered. Wanda, Vision, Sam and Bucky all looled at me.
"What? It's true" I said. As Nat and Bruce were catching up, I went to the kitchen to grab a drink.
"Ember" Bucky followed me through the hallway, but I ignored him. "Come on, I just want to apologize" He insisted.
"Well, I don't. I already told you that" I said grabbing a glass from the counter and pourring somw cold water onto it.
"Just listen to what I have to say" He said, trying to catch my attention.
"I don't want you. I am mad at you and right now I don't have time to solve our little problems. I have a lot on my plate" I said already over this conversation.
"Ember come on. I'm sorry. I really am" He said desperate. "And I don't expect you to forgive me right now, but just listen to what I have to say"
"Don't explect me to forgive you at all" I said leaving the water down. "You left me alone when I needed you the most. The firt exit you had out of this realtionship, and you took it without habitation" I whispered so that no one would hear.
"And what was I supposed to do? Your father hated me" He defended himself.
"That is not a fucking excuse" I said angrily.
"Well, I wasn't the only one. Steave left too and you father was the one who started the fight, but you forgave him preatty easily" He said, matching my tone.
"He is my father" I said in disbelief.
"And I am your boyfriend" He justified his point.
"Was" I simply said. I could see in his eyes that my words broke him. It hurted me too say too, but I just couldn't risk getting hurt by him anymore. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, waiting for me to say something.
"I'm sorry" He whispered before walking away.
As soon as I was left alone, I broke down crying. I placed my face in my hands, covering my tears. An anger appeared inside of me, eating me alive. It mixed with this endless sadness. My breath started to shorten as I walked through the kitchen quickly. I placed my hand in my chest, trying to calm myslef down, but it wasn't working. I started to feel really hot, so I took my hoddie off, but it didn't change a thing. It was becoming harder to breathe and my vision blurred. I couldn't feel my legs, so I let myself fall down into the floor.
"Ember?" I heard Nat's voice from the distance. She runned towards me and kneeled besides me. "Hey, look at me. Calm down" She said trying to help me, but it wasn't working. I started to touch my neck, trying to tell her that I couldn't breathe.
"Bruce, get in here!" She yelled for help. All of the people in the compound runned to the kitchen. Bruce sat down besides Nat and okaces his hands in my shoulders.
"Okay Ember, here is what you are gonna do" He explained, trying to stay calm. "You are gonna copy my breathing okay. We are gonna count and breathe" He said. I nodded in response. He took a deep breath, and I tried to do the same, but mine was shakey.
"Okey, keep going" Bruce said. We continued to breathe until my breths mached his. "There you go. You are fine" He said, rasting his head against the counter. Nat wrapped her arm around my shoulders to hug me, still giving me space.
"You are fine. You are okay" She said more relaxed.
"Ember, you should go and get some rest. We can discuss the olan in a few days" Bruce said. Wanda and Steave walked towards me and helped me get up.
Steave carried me to my room, since I was to weak to walk. My head was pounding, and I felt like evry nouse was ten times louder.
Steave placed me gently in the bed and then coverd me with the blankets.
"Try to rest Em" He whispered before leaving rhe room. Wanda and Nat stayed inside. They took turns to check on me.
"Guys, I'm fine. Seriously. I just ahve a headache" I said sitting down on the bed.'
"You are not" Wanda contradicted me.
"For how long has this been going on?" Nat asked.
"It started two years ago" I said quietly.
"Does Tony know?" Wanda asked. I shook my head no.
"Ember" She said disappointed.
"I just didn't want to worry him. I mean, Pepper left me and we were sort of fighting" I defended myself.
"What happened down there?" Nat asked.
"I had an argument with Bucky" I said.
"Do tou want to talk about it?" They asked.
"Not really" I said lookign doen. Suddenly, the sound on a glass breaking made us all stand up. We walked to the hallway, and there, Steave was holding Bucky by the arms. Bucky was trying to get away, clearly he was crying. Broken glass was all over the floor. I looked at the two man, waiting for an explanation.
Bucky looked at me with sad eyes before cSteave left the room.
"I'm sorry about that" Steave whispered.
"Is he okay? Is he having nightmares again?" I asked worried, forgetting I was mad at him.
"He's fine. He just found out about..." He said looking at me. "You girls should go to sleep" Steave said before walking away.
We got into the room again and we all fell asleep in my bed.

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