RQ: Wondering thoughts

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I watched the others be happy. I can't help, but feel jealous, jealous that everyone can just, be happy with there lives.

All, except me.

I did so much, yet, it felt like I did so very little. I failed to save those I sworn to protect. Everyone hated me, but now, they don't. But still, I can still feel the lingering hate towards me from many others around me. I was sad, even mad, but in the end. I felt nothing.

It was fine.

How can I be mad when this is what I deserved?

I caused pain wherever I go. There's no stopping it. I am good luck, yet, I am also Bad luck.

I am the hero, yet I am also the villain.

Is this what all my former friends felt?


Maybe I shouldn't stay in this realm anymore, I doubt anyone truly cares about me anymore...I know Light Steve cares about me, I think Orange Leader and Green Leader cares to, same with Blue and Indigo Leader. But, at the same time, they just pity me. I didn't want that. I didn't want them to give me there sympathy.

Is this what it felt to be truly alone...?


Maybe I should get some sleep...I stand up from my desk, I put away my journal in a place that no other would be able to find it at. I then changed my clothes to my comfortable clothes. I still kept it, funny isn't it?

How one thing, held so much meaning and memories?

Sometimes, I just wish they didn't hurt so much.

But sadly, that what they're meant for, to be mementos of the past, of long forgotten, yet, cherished memories of the past.


Memories are fragile aren't they? 


I should get some sleep....


Sleepless nights, I wonder and look up at the stars, they remind me of my father. Sometimes, I just wish I could have met him, I heard of many tales about him, yet, I never was able to meet him. Would he have been a kind father to me and my brother?

So much questions wondered through my mind. 

Would he love me like his precious child? 

I am sure he would. 

But, would he leave me behind?

That's, a maybe...

Would my brother leave me? Would everyone else I know leave me? 


I shouldn't wonder about this for too long, I feel as though, in the future, I will become someone I did not want to become. Something I may had no choice, but to become in such a matter. I sighed as I stood up, I was about to teleport home, until I saw someone near the tree. Star gazing just as I had. 

I was curious, yet confused. 

So I walked to the person, there, I recognized them, just as they do for me. I silently asked if I can next to them, they nodded there head. I than sit next to them, looking up at the sky along side them. 

It was a comfortable silence. 

Not one of tension or anything. 

Just peaceful silence. 

"Sometimes, I wish everything was normal...a time where we all didn't have to worried about our lives being in danger..." 

I was silent, I wish I knew what it was like to live a peaceful life, but I didn't. I never knew what it felt like. 

"Maybe...I would like to experience one day, just a day where nothing bad ever happens, just. A day where we all can just be at peace for once?" I wondered, they nodded a little, in agreement. 

I can tell, we both needed to be at peace, them more than me. 

Is the burden of a hero that troublesome?

Well, I think it is, I can tell how much it had taken out of them, how much they had sacrifice for everyone sake. Even if, everyone hated them. 

(Bold: Flashback, Italics: Speech)


"...Sometimes, I wonder if I'm like Theseus?" They wondered, I shake my head, disagreeing. "Your not like Theseus. You never were."

I watched as the leaders tell them that they are no longer allowed near the steves, I was a bit sadden, how can the Leaders be so cruel to him? He did everything he can to save them, yet, in the end, the ones who he was saving, banished them from going near there people.

"If I'm not Theseus, than who am I?"

I watched and watched, I knew what we both are doing, is hurting ourselves from within, but we both know, it was for the better. Almost as if, we had no choice, but to followed a puppeteer strings.

"Well, for one thing, I am Elemental Steve. You, are not Theseus, Your are Sabre."

A promise once held, would soon be broken. 


This looks like it's been made in a lazy way lmao- 

Sorry about that, I was losing ideas to work on this, so I decided to finished it in a lazy way. Hope y'all like this :D

Also- Requests are still open and I'm honestly unmotivated to work on other stories sometimes, so yeah, please requests cuz I am bored. :')

May it be art or short stories (Or both) I'll do them, as long as it's reasonable or I'm comfortable with it. 

Until then, this is all, see ya another chapter! 


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