Annyeongz ( crush )

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Wonyoung was feeling a bit hungry. It was currently 11 pm at night and she was hungry but she didn't feel like making anything at home so she thought of going to the convenience store just a couple of blocks from where she lived.

The only problem is she knew her mother wouldn't let her go and say no but how would she say no if her mom doesn't know.

So Wonyoung decided to sneak out. Her house was only one level so it didn't take much to just leave out the window.

Putting on sweats and a hoodie since it is winter in Korea, she set out. Carefully jumping out the window and making sure it wasn't locked she started making her way to the convenience store.

Wonyoung enjoyed the walk thinking about whatever came to her mind. She was a teenager so there were things she wanted to experience. She had always been a good student and good daughter following all the rules but she wanted to feel a little bit more free.

She wondered how it felt to go on spontaneous trips with her friends or how it felt to be just a little wild and maybe skip school for a day. She also wondered how it felt like to be in a relationship. She had seen her friends get into relationships and see them all flustered and how they seemed to glow whenever they were with their somebody so she wondered how it felt.

She would occasionally ask her friends how it feels and when they explain Wonyoung never really understand. Maybe because she hasn't found that someone who makes her all smiley and flustered.

Wonyoung arrived no later than 10 minutes of walking. Going into the store she immediately walked to the ramen section. Picking out ramen she liked she lead herself to the snack section. Getting snacks was always the hardest but after getting what she felt like she walked to the cash register.

Wonyoung didn't pay attention to the person behind the cashier when she entered so when she walked up and looked at the person she was speechless. Wonyoung had never seen a person so beautiful in her life.

She suddenly felt nervous but why? She's never been nervous in front of anyone. Her face turned a slight red and she stuttered when the gorgeous girl who looked about the same age as her, maybe a year older talked to her.

" Find everything alright?" The girl said with a smile the showed the dimple on her cheek.

" y-yeah e-everything's good." Wonyoung stuttered looking immediately down because she can't believe she did that.

The girl behind the counter lightly laughed because of how flustered the girl was and she thought it was cute.

After that, the two didn't say anything. Wonyoung paid and right when she was about to leave through the door she heard the girl behind the counter.

" Have a nice night."

Wonyoung turned around quickly maybe even too quickly.

" y-you too, have a nice night." She said a little flustered. The other girl gave her a smile that she returned looking really red and finally she was on her way home.

Why did I stutter? She thought to herself. Fighting internally with herself on how and why she was so flustered and nervous when she talked to that girl. She's never felt like this so she didn't know what to think of it.

After the night Wonyoung hasn't been able to get that girl off of her mind. It's been 3 days and she's been constantly thinking about the girl.

She had visited the convenience store during the daytime with her friends but hasn't seen the girl so she came to the conclusion that the girl worked the night shift.

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