Chaekura (cuddles)

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Dorm 2 was usually quiet most of the time but today it seemed like all hell broke loose. Hitomi and Nako were trying to cook cheese hotdogs and getting batter everywhere, yuri was making cookies in the living room, talking loudly to Hyewon on the phone, and Wonyoung trying on outfits just for the fun of it and walking out in each outfit as if she were on the runway. But there was one person laying on the couch doing nothing but trying to block out the loudness that was going on in the dorm.

Sakura would much rather be in her room but since they've recently moved into a new dorm she hadn't gotten a chance to get a new bed for herself resulting in having no bed at the moment.

It was late evening and they had just gotten home from practice but they all had so much energy and Sakura couldn't understand where they all get it from.

Sakura looked around looking at all her members one by one and only counting 5 including herself. She realized Chaeyeon was missing.

Having no energy at all to get up Sakura got on her phone to text Chaeyeon to see where she was at. No longer than a minute Sakura got a message saying I'm in the other dorm, need anything?~ from Chaeyeon.

Sakura replying saying she didn't need anything not wanting to bother the younger and putting her phone down with a sigh. No wonder the dorm was so loud, Chaeyeon isn't here to keep order Sakura said to herself. The members were still young so of course, they could get a little loud and messy. And when they did Chaeyeon would be the one to calm them down still allowing them to do whatever they wanted to do just more controlled.

Sakura liked the quietness and when things got loud she would get annoyed and whiny but never told anything to the members not wanting to ruin their happiness. The only thing that would help Sakura when whiny was Chaeyeon.

Chaeyeon knew how to calm down Sakura whether it be when she would get nervous or super hyper. She somehow always knew what to do with any of the members.

But Chaeyeon wasn't here right now so she just had to deal with it. Knowing that the craziness wasn't going to stop for a while she entered her room that she shared with Chaeyeon. Not wanting to lay on the floor she laid on Chaeyeon's bed instead.

Sakura immediately smelling the sent of cherries that Chaeyeon always seemed to smell like, she suddenly started to miss the younger. Getting herself comfortable under Chaeyeon's thick blanket her eyes started to feel a bit heavy. Her eyes starting to close little by little until she heard the room door open.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

Sakura knew that voice too well. Instead of replying to the question asked by the other she just opened her arms inviting the girl to join her. Getting all happy and giddy when seeing the other walking towards her, Sakura made room for the younger.

Snuggling into the arms of the other, Sakura felt safe and calm.

"Too loud?" Chaeyeon asked while rubbing circles on Sakura's back with her hand.

Chaeyeon felt Sakura nod against her neck and pulled the older closer. Knowing how sensitive Sakura could get she held her closer enjoying the moment.

Chaeyeon wasn't sure when it happened but every time she's with Sakura she gets this feeling. And she knows what it is. Chaeyeon has already admitted to herself that she has a massive crush on Sakura. The girl she's currently holding in her arms.

But Chaeyeon was too afraid to say anything. Not knowing how the older girl would react, she kept everything to herself. She was happy that she had the older one close to her. She was happy that Sakura trusted her with many things and that whenever the other needed anything she would come to Chaeyeon. So why mess that up?

Sakura knowing Chaeyeon as much as Chaeyeon knew her, she could tell the younger was thinking hard about something.

"What are you thinking about?"

The question caught Chaeyeon off guard but she recovered quickly.

"Just about our schedule tomorrow" Chaeyeon answered.

Sakura knew the younger was lying but she let it go hoping when Chaeyeon was ready she would come to Sakura.

Sakura taking her head out of Chaeyeon's neck she saw how the girl went back to spacing out so she took this opportunity to look at the younger's face.

She's beautiful Sakura said to herself. She knew Sakura knew that Chaeyeon had always been beautiful but lately she's been finding anything that Chaeyeon does attractive. Chaeyeon can be writing something on paper and Sakura would admire how good Chaeyeon looks, especially when she's dancing. Sakura knows what she's feeling isn't in a friendly way but what can she do? Chaeyeon probably doesn't see her that way. Heck, Chaeyeon probably doesn't even like girls. But Sakura was fine with this for now. Being in Chaeyeon's arms, enjoying their cuddle sessions they've been having quite regularly.

Enjoy the comfortable silence they both are starting to feel the sleepiness of the nice warmth they give each other, their eyes slowly start to close. Both falling asleep with the same thought in their head, I love you.

A short one today sorry, hopefully you like this I wrote it in less then 40 minutes. Sorry for any spelling errors

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