2kim ( airplane )

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Chaewon was on a plane to Korea. She was sitting typing away on her laptop. She had lived most of her life in America so why was she suddenly leaving?

Her parents are very well known for their enterprise that is all over the world. Chaewon, being the only daughter they had, was set to become the next CEO and take over her parent's place in the future.

Was Chaewon okay with this? Yes. But was this her dream? No. Being a CEO wasn't Chaewon's dream. Her dream was to become a singer. An artist that speaks with and comforts people through her music. But she was currently on a plane to South Korea getting ready to start her new life there and prepare to take over her parent's company.

Chaewon was okay really. Since she was little she saw this coming. She never really talked about her dreams and what she wanted to be and do. She just simply followed what her parents told her to do. Kind of sad.

Chaewon was already in her seat, working. It seemed as if that all she really did. What else did she have to do besides work?

The plane hadn't taken off yet as people were still boarding and finding where they're supposed to be.

She sat next to the window reading and responding to her emails when a person arrived to the seat next to her.

Chaewon was in first-class so instead of three seats next to the window it was two. Chaewon traveling alone knew she had needed to sit next to someone she didn't know but she didn't mind. She was going to be working anyways.

Chaewon took a quick glance and looked at the person. It was girl, very pretty Chaewon would say but she also looked kind of familiar none the less she focused back to her work. She probably wouldn't ever see the girl again anyway.

Chaewon was the type to always have a blank face on but on the inside, her emotions would go crazy. For example like right now.

If you had looked at her you would probably just see her working and typing not caring about a thing in the world but Chaewon right now is dying with nervousness.

You would think with having been to many places all around the world due to her parents she would be used to flying but that wasn't the case. Chaewon wouldn't say to herself that she was terrified to the point she has to take pills to calm herself but she did get a bit nervous and anxious.

The flight attendant had come over to politely tell Chaewon to put her laptop away as the plane was about to take off and she did.

Chaewon had a habit of playing with her fingers and butting the inside of her cheek whenever she would get nervous so as the plane is getting ready to fly into the air she couldn't help to do those two things out of habit.

The girl next to her had seen how restless Chaewon was getting and then she had remembered she had a few snacks and candy in her bag.

Chaewon was biting the inside of her cheek maybe a little too hard. She had started to taste a little blood but couldn't really care as she kept biting her cheek.

Suddenly out of the corner of her eye, Chaewon saw a hand offering a lollipop. She was confused and looked at the person giving it to her.

The unknown girl blushed a little before talking " I noticed you bitting the inside of your cheek so I thought this would help" she said gesturing to the candy in her hand.

Chaewon was a little shocked, to be honest, but still reached for the candy saying a thank you to the girl next to her.

Chaewon stared a bit longer without even noticing. The girl looked really familiar to her. Had they crossed paths before? Chaewon couldn't put her finger on it but when Chaewon noticed the girl turning a little red from her cheeks she realized what she was doing.

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