Chaekura (party?)

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It smelled awful. Smoky bitter taste to the mouth, cigarettes she noticed. The house was dim with few lights but loud. Ears ringing due to the sound of what she thought was bad music. Sweaty bodies and red cups everywhere.

She wondered why she let her friend convince her to come. Sakura isn't so fond of parties. She'd rather stay home and play games all night but here she is, standing in the kitchen part of the house holding a red cup and looking out to everyone having a good time.

   She sighed, Eunbi had left her some time ago to handle some 'business' she rolled her eyes.

   She thought of leaving but she came with Eunbi in her car. Guess I have to wait she thought while taking a sip out of her cup. 

   Sakura compromised with hanging out in the kitchen by herself so she refilled her cup and jumped on the counter for seating. Watching everyone come and go and sometimes giving a little nod as a hello to some.

   Sakura looked around feeling like she was being watched. Now that she thought about it she's felt like that since she got her. Continuing to look around, the dance floor, the living room, or the few people in the kitchen but nothing. She finally looked to the corner where there were a few tables filled with people and there she saw her. Lee Chaeyeon. Sakura quickly looked away feeling the blush crawl up her cheeks.

   Sakura has always thought that Chaeyeon was beautiful but was always scared to make a move. Yeah, they've had a few encounters but nothing more than a simple conversation.

Feeling the heat from her cheeks she took a long gulp of her drink not noticing a certain some coming towards her.

Once Sakura dropped her cup down from her face she was met with a, in her opinion, very good looking Chaeyeon.

"Hey" Chaeyeon said softly but smirking at the same time.

Sakura was frozen admiring the beauty in front of her causing her to stutter a bit. "H-hey" she said shyly. The blush never leaving her cheeks.

"I've noticed that you've been alone for a while"

Sakura was freaking out mentally. Was Chaeyeon watching her all this time??? Does that mean she likes her?? Did Chaeyeon like Sakura?

Realizing that Sakura needed to, in fact, respond to the other, she had nervously explained how she came with a friend and that said friend had left her to handle some things. Sakura, in her head, rolled her eyes at that once again.

"You're not fond of parties are you?" The taller asked while jumping on the counter finding her spot next to Sakura. In Chaeyeon's eyes, she could tell how Sakura was slightly uncomfortable. Even from looking afar.

"Parties aren't really my thing" Sakura had responded, still not being able to look Chaeyeon in the eye. Chaeyeon had nodded to her response staying quiet for a while just enjoying the presence of the other but in reality, Chaeyeon was kind of, mentally, freaking out.

Chaeyeon had of course noticed the girl next to her since the begging of the year but too afraid to actually come up to her. The taller may look cool and composed on the outside or to new people but Chaeyeon really was just a big loving crack head who is also of course really really really good at dancing as Sakura had mentioned before to her friends.

Chaeyeon had been hesitating to ask Sakura something but she thought of well, fuck it.

"You know" Chaeyeon had started out making Sakura look at her for the first time, making Chaeyeon's confidence slightly falter for a second.

" I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to get out of here and get some food," Chaeyeon said looking at her and continuing, " Kinda boring here but you know only if you want to" Chaeyeon finished scratching the back of her neck as she's very nervous but obviously not showing it.

Sakura was stunned, to say the least. Lee Chaeyeon was asking her if she wanted to leave with the lee Chaeyeon herself to get some food. Out of anyone here Chaeyeon had asked her.

Sakura had quickly muttered a small little 'sure' making Chaeyeon smile at her and then getting down from the counter. Holding her hand out for Sakura to help, the shorter had gladly and nervously took her hand and hopped off.

Making their way out of the house and into, what she assumed, Chaeyeon's car had she only realized she had just left Eunbi in there at the party alone.

Getting ready to get out of the car to look for her, she pulled out her phone and was greeted with a text from the one and only reading ' have fun' with a winking face next to it. Rolling her eyes at her friend, she sat down and waited for Chaeyeon to enter the car.

Upon Chaeyeon entering the car, she looked over only to be faced with Chaeyeon already staring at her with a smile. Returning it back, Sakura had felt herself actually being excited for the first time that night.

"Is there any place you prefer" Chaeyeon had asked, driving already.

"Any place is fine with me"

"How about the cafe that's around the corner" the dancer asked looking at Sakura.

The gamer nodded and it had gotten quiet. While sitting in the car of silence, Sakura had only just realized she had gotten in a car with a stranger. Well not completely a stranger but the two haven't talked much and up until now, Sakura doesn't know what they are. Are they friends? Acquaintances? Company? She doesn't know and really doesn't wanna think about it.

Arriving at the destination, Chaeyeon had parked the car and gotten out running to the other side to surprise Sakura by opening the door for her. Sakura had shyly thanked her and they both headed inside.

"You could just order anything you want, the food is on me" Chaeyeon had said and Sakura had wanted to simply argue back saying she could pay for herself but Chaeyeon had this look in her eye so she backed down.

The two had sat down in a booth and waited for their food with small conversation.

For the rest of the night, Sakura had the best time of her life with the dancer in front of her. Sakura didn't know when throughout the time she had gotten comfortable with Chaeyeon but all she knows is that the girl in front of her is gonna be in her life for a long while.

This is so bad lol I'm so sorry. I wasn't sure how to end it but I'm almost 99% sure that there's gonna be a part 2 to this one shot. My writing isn't the best but I hope throughout the many more chapters that I write there is some improvement lol. Thanks for reading and give me some thoughts (: also I miss Izone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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