Where The End Began

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A/N: Hello all! It's finally here! Thx for all your support on the first one and all your patience! Would love opinions on my cover :) I won't hav a specific schedule for posting or anything. Just do wat I can when I can. Hope u all like this story as much as the last! MUCH LOVE!! (if u havnt noticed already, im not very good at writing long chapters :P)

Snape, "(Y/n), I don't want to mess this up. Mess us up. I like how things are, but...I also...like you."

Neville, "I've had feelings for you since 3rd year, (Y/n)."

Malfoy, "I know you wouldn't want to hear this, but I need to say it, just once. (Y/n)....I love you."

"What am I going to do?" I think as I lay crying on the couch in the Gryffindor common room. I have three men after me. Never in my life did I think that would happen. One of them is unexpected, one of them is surprising, and one of them is just sweet. I don't know how I feel...they've all been so kind to me.

I'll always care for Snape, that much is certain, but do I now care for someone else more? Do I miss him? Well of course I miss him, that's not the point.

I think of Neville, and I think of a nice, caring boy. He was my first crush...maybe I never really got over that. Perhaps I've always had a slight crush on him, and just didn't realize.

Then there's Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. I heard...I mean I thought I heard him say...w-was that even real? I was still kind of out of it...maybe I just dreamt it? But why would I? Unless....I already have feelings for him, and I made up some scenario in my head to make me believe he felt the same? That's ridiculous-

Ridiculous. That word...I suddenly got reminded of that day in Defense Against the Dark Arts. After what happened with the boggart, Snape was the one who comforted me. Both Neville and Malfoy were in that class, but didn't even come check on me. I guess they still had other school things to do.

I come to my senses and wipe off my face. I sit up. I look around to see if anyone has come down, but it's now dark. I'd been laying here all evening. I get up and begin walking up to the dormitory.

Tomorrow, I will find Malfoy and learn once and for all if what I heard actually happened.

I'm about to go into the dormitory when I hear small flaps coming from the common room. I go back downstairs to see a snow white owl sitting on the arm of the couch. "Hedwig? What are you doing?" I notice she has a small package in her beak. A note is attached that says 'For (Y/n)'. I take it and she flies away.

I take the note first and it reads:

I know you have some things to figure out,

but I want you to know I still care. I always will.

I'm giving you something I hope will help you.

Perhaps you'll be reminded of me, perhaps not.

I only ask that we remain friends, regardless of what happens.


'S'...Severus. He must have used Hedwig to avoid suspicion. I put down the note and take the package. It's an odd shape.

I untie the string and rip off the old parchment used to wrap it. It's a tiny vile labeled...Amortentia. Oh Merlin. If I smell this, I'll smell what attracts me...I'll smell who attracts me.

I throw the string and parchment away, and vile in hand, walk up to the dormitory.

I get to my bed and lay down, staring at the potion. I want to know. I want to understand. I feel so lost and confused...but I want to try and figure it out for myself before I turn to a potion for help. I slide the vile under my pillow.

Why don't I just open it? If I smell it this will all be over! Am I...afraid? Afraid of wha- of who I'll smell? I let out a sigh. Okay I just need to forget it for now and go to sleep. Just focus on finding Malfoy tomorrow.

(ON HOLD)Unlikely: Out of Love (Snape/Draco/Neville x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now