Malfoy's Moment of Weakness

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A/N: HELLO AGAIN!!! I'm so sorry! Writer's block is the absolute WORST! But I finally figured out how to continue, so be on the look out for more! LOVE U ALL THANK U FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!!! (69 followers as of 12/5/21 NICE XD Can I reach 100? <3)

I awake the next morning, and for a moment I forget what I'd told myself last night. That is, until I sleepily slide my hand under my pillow and feel the bizarre yet familiar shape. Yeah, now I remember. Just find Malfoy, first and foremost.

After I get ready to go to breakfast, I try to think of a good time to confront Malfoy. I should probably talk to him as soon as possible.

I reach the Great Hall and fix my gaze toward the Slytherin table. I slide my vision slowly across it, scanning for Malfoy. I spot him near the far end, sitting next to Pansy and Blaise, but he seems to be ignoring them. He appears distracted and in his own world, like he's thinking hard about something.

Curiously, I walk up to him. Ignoring the snarks and glares from the other Slytherins as I pass by. I tap Malfoy on the shoulder, snapping him back to reality.

He stares at me for a moment, smiling gently, before remembering he's supposed to resent me, "What do you want mudblood?" He says, scrunching up his face, "Could I have a word?" I ask quietly, gesturing to follow me out the Great Hall. He looks around a bit, making sure no one would notice, "If it'll make you leave me alone, fine." He gets up and we walk out the big doors and stand next to the One-Eyed Witch statue.

"Is everything alright?" I begin, "You seemed sort of out of it in there." He looks away, as if feeling nervous, "I um...I-I'm fine. I was just thinking...about...stuff. It's nothing." "If you're sure." I say sincerely, "Yeah. It's fine."

"Anyway, that's not really want I wanted to talk to you about." I start again, "You see, back in the Hospital Wing, I remembered something. At least it felt like a memory, but it could have just been a dream. That's where you come in." Malfoy seems even more nervous, possibly even scared, but I continue, "Something happened when I was out. Did you...were you there? Did you talk to me? Were you holding my hand?" Malfoy looks down, not wanting to make eye contact with me.

I grasp his shoulder, and duck down to see his face, "Malfoy...did you tell me you lo-" Suddenly he shoves my hand away and reaches forward. He's hugging me. I'm too stunned to speak, or move.

We stand in silence, embracing, for a few moments. 'Till Malfoy finally speaks, slightly muffled, "Yes. That was real. I was there. And-" He pauses, and pulls away just far enough to look into my eyes. I'm still in shock. "And I did I feel about you. I said that I-" He starts slowly leaning towards me, his lips inching closer to mine, "I-" Even closer, "I love you." Just before our lips touched, I pushed him off me.

"Malfoy..." I sigh. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I'm...I'm sorry..." He's flustered, nearly crying. He paces back and forth, mumbling apologies. He then starts running back into the Great Hall. "Malfoy wait!" I call out and grab his arm, "Look, you told me what I needed to know. I know now that what happened was real. Thank you. But now, I need time to understand how I feel, ok?" He nods. I let his arm go, and he runs off back to his seat.

I sigh. Guess I should go sit down and eat as well. I'll talk with Neville later.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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