Chapter Eleven

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- Luke's POV -

The bell had just rang and students were flooding out of their classrooms.

Michael took my hand. "You ready to go, Lukey." He giggled at his clever new nickname for me.

"Of course, Mikey." We both leaned in and kissed. It was a good kiss until our teacher yelled at us. "Get a room you two."

So we walked out the door and into the street that led to my house.

Mom's car was in the driveway.

"Wait, I thought she wasn't supposed to be home until Monday?.." Michael said as his eyes started to fill with tears.

I ran inside to see what was the matter. "Mom?!" I yelled into the what seemed to be empty house.

I heard rustling upstairs so I decided to go see if mom was in here. Michael, of course, followed right at my heals, his arms around my waist.

I turned into my room where I had heard the rustling. I smelled something that was faintly familiar. Liquor? Had mother started drinking, again?

I walked into the doorway of my room. Mom was standing over a huge pile of paper. The note that Michael made. What had she done?

"Come on in Luke." Mom gestured me into my room and I walked up behind her. She turned around with a bottle of whiskey in her hands.

"Mother?" I cautiously started questioning her drinking. "Have you started drinking, again? Why?"

"Because I have a gay fucking son that's why. Why can't you be normal. Why can't you ask out a pretty girl." She sneared, making emphasis on 'girl'.

That hurt. Mother had always told me she accepted the way I was.

She looked at Michael and laughed. "So you're the pathetic faggot who ask my son out with penguins. Oh, and my string."

"Don't call him a faggot." Michael grabbed my waist tighter and tighter and I could feel his warm tears on my back.

Mother started screaming and throwing things. She threw her bottle and almost hit Mikey in the head.

"Get the fuck out of my house, and don't come back." I've never heard her so angry in my entire life.

I could feel Michael's grip lessen as he ran down the stairs and out the door. I followed almost on top of him.

I couldn't help it. I burst into tears. I could hear Michael's foot steps getting closer and closer but I paid them no mind. I felt his warm embrace and the next thing I knew, I was crying in Michael's arms. I've never done that before. He whispered into my ear and it seemed to soothe me instantaneously.

"It's going to be okay baby. I'm here now. I'm here."

I didn't know where I was supposed to go now.

It's almost as if Michael read my mind because seconds later Michael was dialing his mother's number on his phone.

"Hello, mum?" His accent made me smile and let out a little giggle. "Luke has been kicked out of his house and-"

"Get your asses over here. I miss you. Luke can stay with us as long as he wants. I still need to meet the lad."

I heard his mother on the other line. I could hear the excitement in her voice.

Without warning, Michael picked me up and carried me to his place. I didn't mind being carried. It was kind of cute actually. He gave me a peck on the cheek and started running.

It wasn't five minutes until we reached Michael's house. His mother was already outside.

"Boy, aren't you two the cutest." I expected a different response. But there was no sarcasm or anything but happiness in her voice.

"Carry him in and put him on the couch. I'll order some pizza."

Michael's mom winked at him and then walked in and grabbed a phone. Michael set me on the couch and layed on top of me. I didn't mind one bit.

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