Chapter 6: Sleepy Tian

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Prompt: Yod is ordered by Phupha to buy the new medicine that Tian needs but because of how tired he was, he accidentally bought sleeping pills instead and Tian ends up falling asleep a lot every time he drinks one pill.

If anyone asks why Yod looked like a zombie, please ask Chief Phupha. The guy had been very strict for the past week and in that entire week, Yod was the one who suffered a lot. He was ordered to cut some needed trees down because Tian was helping the villagers to rebuild all of their houses since some were ready to fall any moment. Yod thought it would be only a few trees but he had cut down 15 trees and these damn things were heavy. Even with Rang helping carry these trees, Yod still felt exhausted. After that, he was ordered to get all of the tool kits that Tian and the villagers are going to use and those kits were as heavy as a big rock. Some rangers wanted to help but they had other works to do as well. So Yod went up to their unit getting 2 toolkits at a time, going up and down. Tian notices this and wanted to help Yod but Nam warned him about tiring himself too much. Tian can only give an apologetic look to Yod.

And when Yod finally managed to finish the task, Phupha ordered him to help the others rebuild the houses. While the kids were trying to be handled by Longtae (KEYWORD: Trying), Yod had to deal with the kids running around a bit and did his best not to accidentally hit the kids with the tools he was holding. It took them all day to finish some of the houses but it looked more secured now with how Tian designed the pattern of the house. Phupha then told the rangers to wake up very early to help the villagers once again so that the houses would all be finished. That meant Yod only has 2 and half hours to sleep because he was told to handle all the blueprints and documents needed and that will take him the entire night.

This kept happening for a week, Phupha would order him to do something and he will only get a few hours of sleep but not enough to boost his energy. Even when eating, Yod still felt tired that he almost fell asleep on his food. Good thing Rang woke him up. For that week as well, Tian noticed the tired ranger's eyes and manner. Tian wanted to comfort him and encourage him but he thought that rest is the one that Yod needs right now.


One day, just when Yod thought he finally gets to rest for the entire day. Phupha came up to Yod and the latter was ready for another order as usual but his mind was going elsewhere with how little rest he has had.

"Yod, go to the city's pharmacy and buy this medicine for Tian. He ran out of medicine last night." Phupha said and gave the paper to Yod. And as much as the rangers wanted to ask how Phupha even knew that, they kept quiet.

"Yes, Chief!" Yod said with a fake enthusiastic voice.

Yod took his keys and drove through the long road to the city. When he parked in front of the Pharmacy, Yod almost fell asleep right there but lazily got down from the jeep and went inside the Pharmacy. When he went up to the cashier, he forgot he had the paper Phupha gave to him and ask for suppressants instead, not giving specifically what kind of suppressants. The lady behind the cash register gave him two bottles of medicine and Yod left after that.

When he got to the teacher's house, he sleepily gave Tian the plastic and Tian thanked him. Tian was asking Yod something but Yod wanted to go back to the base and sleep so he just turned around and drove. When he got to the base, he went to his room, locked the door, and just laid down on his bed without changing and slept peacefully after that.

Tian, not knowing what kind of medicine he needed because his doctor only said it to Nam, just drank the medicine that night and went to bed. The next day, he felt someone shaking him and when he groggily opened his eyes, he looks at Phupha who was holding his shoulder.

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