Chapter 17: Tian has a fever

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Prompt by Anonymous: Your writing is so good ! I loved all the stories you wrote so far,! If you take requests, I think it would be interesting to have a story with a sick Tian, with a high fever. He's so dedicated that he still goes to class and they go outside but he faints and the kids have to find someone to take care of him, and the Phupha finds our and freaks out 00


Early in the morning, Tian woke up before Phupha, he looked at the time and saw it was way too early for him to get up. He doesn't know but everything feels hot for him so he removed the blanket on him and distanced himself a bit from Phupha since the big giant was literally the epitome of a heater.

He felt a bit more relaxed when he felt the cold breeze run through his body. But despite this, he felt dizzy even though he was not standing up at all. He feels like he wants to throw up but he can't. He tried to feel his temperature but doesn't know if he has a fever or not. He felt his body aching so much that it made him want to cry out.

Tian felt really thirsty so he slowly sat up and carefully removed Phupha's arm off his waist. He pulls a pillow under Phupha's arm so that the latter wouldn't have to wake up because of him. He slowly opened the door and went to get a glass of water in the dark. Once he got his water, he sat down at the dining table. He looked outside and his mind drifted away immediately. He felt weird but also relaxed a little. He then unconsciously started memorizing the lesson plan for the kids. Forgetting the fact that it was cold outside and other rangers will be confused about why he was just sitting there.

It went on for a few hours until the sun slowly came up. Phupha woke up, noticing he was hugging a pillow. He thought it was late in the morning but when he looked at the time, it was just 6:49 in the morning.

Phupha got up from the bed and started stretching a bit. Once he was done, he got ready for the day. Still questioning where his boyfriend was.

When he opened the door and got out, he was shocked to see Tian sitting at the dining table and just staring into space. Yod and Rang looked at him with obvious questions on their faces. 'Did you have a fight?'

Phupha slowly walked to Tian and shook him by the shoulder.

"Tian?" He called out. It took a few moments before Tian snapped out of his trance and looked up at Phupha and the others.

"Oh hey... Woah. It's morning already?" Tian said as he stood up quickly. He felt dizzy when he did that but tried to hide it.

"Yeah. You've been sitting there for a while now, Tian. I woke up and saw you just sitting here." Rang said.

"You're also cold." Phupha said as he noticed how cold Tian's skin was as he held his hand.

"I'm fine. I felt thirsty so I went out to drink some water. My mind must've drifted off. Sorry about that." Tian said as he smiled.

Phupha noticed how pale Tian was and was about to touch his forehead when Tian moved past him.

"Then, I'll get ready now. I asked the kids to come to school very early so I don't want them to wait." Tian said before going inside their room.

"Did something happen, Chief?" Yod asked.

"Not that I know of. He seems pale though." Phupha worriedly said.

"That's because he was out here the entire time. Let's let him be." Nam said. Although, even he was worried for Tian. He saw how Tian tried to steady himself when he stood up.

When Tian got ready, Yod finished his food and went with him. Once they got to school, the kids already went to their sits. Tian smiled at them as he put his bag down on the table. Yod left with reassurance that Tian was fine. When he left, he missed how Tian started coughing and sneezing. Tian put on a mask and faced the kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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