Chapter 13: Comfort Cuddle

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Prompt by jaxxen_101: Maybe a cute chapter where it is the weekend so Tian doesn't have to teach. Phupha has to get up to do his rounds but Tian is sleepy and doesn't want to let Phupha go because he wants to stay cuddled against him.

Early mornings on a weekend were never Tian's favorite time to wake up. Although he got a good sleep the night before, he'd rather stay in bed, cuddling the big teddy bear beside him. A.K.A His boyfriend, Phupha. If before, he'd rather stay in bed, hugging his pillow and getting into a more comfortable position. But ever since Phupha came into his life, he always wants this big grumpy giant to be beside him when he sleeps and wakes up. Especially on weekends like this.

Unfortunately, Phupha has some rounds to go through today before he can go back and lay down next to Tian. Tian who woke up earlier than usual on a weekend tried not to move that much so that his boyfriend won't wake up. He looked up at the man hugging him like he's a fragile gem. He observed Phupha's features, sharp nose, sharp jaw, eyes that are like a hawk but as beautiful as a god's, collar bone showing in front of him that he just wants to kiss so much, lips that are so insatiable that he can't resist but to want to kiss it all day. Honestly, Phupha is perfect while he isn't. Any perfect guy out there that most people want to find, is all in Phupha. Kind, generous, hard-working, responsible, good with kids, brave, strong, and just like a perfect god.

And then there is him. A weak guy with a heart that doesn't even belong to him. He knows he is reckless, he is irresponsible, he is selfish, he is not even good with the kids when they first met, he isn't as kind as most people think. Deep in his heart, he knows that the people in the village have viewed him as a troublemaker and not really trustworthy to them, and is a snobbish guy. Even when no one said those words, he knows. He can tell with the way they look at him. Honestly, he expected the villagers to show some left anger in them towards him but he was surprised with how they showered him with love and happiness. With how messed up his mind can get on a daily basis, Phupha being beside him on a weekend is the only rest his mind needs and he doesn't want to let him go.

So, the only thing Tian did was bury his face on Phupha's chest and snuggled closer to the ranger, unconsciously tightening his hug. Phupha, of course, woke up from how tight the younger's hug was on him. He looked down to Tian who has his eyes close and looks to be asleep but his brows were meeting halfway through. Phupha hugged him back while rubbing Tian on the back. He gave it a few minutes before he kisses Tian on the head.

"Tian, let go. I need to do some rounds today." Phupha softly said. Tian only grunted and shook his head as he buried his face even more on Phupha's chest.

"Tian, please. I really need to do some rounds. I promise I'll be back before you know it." Phupha said once more as he shook Tian a little.

"Don't go." Tian said softly that Phupha could barely hear it.

"What?" Phupha started caressing Tian's head.

"I said don't go today. Just stay here please." Tian pouted.

Phupha was resisting the urge to kiss Tian's lips as he was as addicted to the younger's lips as Tian is addicted to his.

Phupha sighed. "Tian, I can't. I have a job to do. I'll be back soon." He reassured him but Tian refused to let go.

"No." Tian relented. He can be a brat sometimes and that is what Phupha loves about him.

"Tian." Phupha really wanted to do his job today but the pull of staying with Tian was strong. Especially when he is seeing a side of Tian that he rarely sees because the younger always was so confident and brave.

"Please, just for today. Stay. Don't leave me." Tian's voice was pleading and Phupha started to see the insecurity that Tian was hiding so much. He sighed.

"Let me talk to the other rangers and I'll be back, I promise." Phupha kissed Tian's eyes and then his nose and then his cheeks and then his forehead.

Tian reluctantly let go and hid under the covers. Sulking most probably. Phupha chuckled at this side of Tian and kissed him on the head once more before getting up and went to talk to the other rangers. When he came back, Tian was still under the covers and refused to look at him. Phupha shut his door and locked it before going back to bed. He hugged Tian but the latter was still refusing to resurface from the covers. Phupha noticed a part of the covers were wet and he can tell Tian is crying. It breaks his heart to see Tian crying so he hugged him tighter and kissed him over and over again.

"I don't know what's wrong but I hope you can tell me one day so that I can reassure you." Phupha whispered as he rubbed Tian's back.

Eventually, Tian removed the covers from his head and just buried his face to Phupha's chest as he hugged him back. Phupha sighed and just whispered sweet nothings to his love.

A/N: This was really short but this was the only thing that came into my mind since being all lovey-dovey was a bit cringy to me XD but I'm trying hehehehe

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