Chapter 7: Tul meets Phupha

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Prompt: Tul is the one who went to Pha Pun Dao to get Tian and ends up meeting Phupha for the first time. He is not happy to meet him and wants to strangle the guy for making Tian cry.

When Tul received a call from Tian, he was expecting to hear a happy voice but instead what he heard was a heartbreaking cry from the latter. Tul was confused because he thought Tian was happy in Pha Pun Dao, why was his best friend crying? Tul tried to calm him down to breathe and tell him what happened. It took a few minutes but eventually, Tian calmed down and told him everything up until what he saw at the hospital and had figured out.

Tul was shocked, to say the least. He knew how strict Uncle Teerayut was and how controlling he can be sometimes but he didn't expect to have someone actually watch over Tian in Pha Pun Dao. He expected this from Auntie Lalita but not the father. What even more was shocking to him is that the guy Tian has feelings for is the one that Uncle Teerayut gave an order to look after Tian. No wonder his friend was crying so much. Even he would feel confused about the guy's sincerity towards him.

Tian cried and explained how much he is tired of people controlling him and the one time he felt free, he was being watched still. He said he is happy in Pha Pun Dao and wanted to stay longer but he feels that his dad will do anything to force him back to Bangkok. And yet, he was right, the next day after Tian's heartbreaking call, Uncle Teerayut called Tul and asked him to pick up Tian around New Year's Eve.

Tul never felt madder in his life. He was so relieved to see the joy on Tian's face. The happiness seeping out of Tian was remarkable to him. But now, he feels like he will see Tian's old manner back. Lifeless eyes. Challenges people but would still look empty. Follows every order like a servant and Tul is afraid to hear another wrenching cry from his best friend. He never liked how Tian is treated by a lot of people. He may question Tian's choices in life but he supports it because that's what Tian needs. Someone to side with him and just support and trust him. He thought he can let that guy take care of his friend but he ends up hurting him as well. Is Tian aware he is being escorted out of Pha Pun Dao? Maybe not.

So, the best thing Tul did was drive his car to Pha Pun Dao Village at night. He stopped at a single house and got out. Was this where Tian was staying? It looks nice.

Tul went inside and for sure, it really was where Tian lived. He saw the bags that are already packed. He looked at the books and notebooks on the table, possibly their from the kids that Tian was teaching. His pills. He looked up to see sticky notes and noticed all of them were reminders or ideas for the kids to learn. He looked at the black thin notebook that had a big T design with a literal hammer design on it. He opened it and the first thing he sees is photos. Photos of the villagers, the kids, Tian and younger-looking guy, was this Longtae that Tian mentioned? A bunch of guys in uniforms, possibly the rangers, and a single photo of a guy. Was this him? Well, no wonder Tian likes him. He looks like the kind of guy that will be stern and authoritative but will also be under Tian's clutches.

Tul sat down from the chair and looked around. Tian seemed so happy here and yes, he may have been here all because of Torfun's heart but the day he visited Tian, he saw how happy he was. How contended the guy is. When Tian told him about the villagers' anger towards him and outcasting him, they both understood why they acted like that. At that time when Tul heard the story, he wished he was in Pha Pun Dao, at least Tian would have someone to be there for him. What angered Tul though was the way that guy treated Tian and how that guy confronted him in front of everyone instead of confronting Tian privately. It was really unreasonable to that.

Tul waited for a good 1 hour until he heard hurried footsteps and then the door opened, showing a shocked Tian.

"Ai'Tul!" Tian said.

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