~4~ (re-wrote some bits)

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TW: swears,violence,dream shiz, fighting uhhhh idk what eLSE
An hour later PS: they've walked to lmanburge
(Sill 3rd POV but following tommy)

Tommy held Tubbo s hand as Tubbo walked with him, tommy brushed against the wall and let go of Tubbo s hand and helpings himself to the entrance as he was still a bit tipsy,everyone minus Wilbur who had arrived early and leaned against a nearby tree close enough to to hear & see but anyway everyone else stood about 5 feet away from the entrance when dream and his 'gang' (consisting of Karl,sapnap,George,Punz)pearled in front of tommy catching him off guard causing him to stumble but surprisingly aiding the child dream grabbed his now-rolled down sleeve dream was being....cautious of his injury's,tommy thought that that was weird as shit but brushed it aside and nodded his head a bit as in to signal 'thank you'.dream let go once he knew the boy was steadied and began examining well not examining but more so observing the marks on his neck cause where dream was he could only see the front of tommy, dream danced his feet so he could see the side of tommy, only to see burn marks below his ears

Dream POV

I'm guessing the marks or well...uhh...yeah.. on his neck are making or giving  him trouble speaking or incapable, and the marks on his lower ears is probably giving some degree of hearing loss, so he was basically mute and partially deaf... that'd ruin my plans but I kinda feel bad for him...I turned my gaze too Wilbur who couldn't seem to look at his brother. God how cruel would that be for tommy? I mean he was in from what I'm guessing 3 or 2 super-charged creeper explosions!?.. damm it.. I'm meant to stick to the role Of the villain in my perfect story...but god..he was such a Łøùd no not loud.. he was just expressing his emotions thru well energy. But god.. Wilbur should still be able to look em in the eyes! If not for himself' for tommy. I sPoke firmly "Wilbur! Come here or else I'll kill everyone last one of you all" Wilbur finally  rolled his eyes at the ' Kill everyone here' his eyes closed but got up walking towards me he stood a foot & a bit away from me but around 2 and 1/2 from tommy..on purpose I sighed and spoke " what happened to Tommy." Wilbur muttered something like creeper so I guessed correct, I turned so I was faceing tommy. He didn't know that tho he was looking straight down at his feet. And that's when I saw it. Punz stood behind him with a sword more so dagger, in his hand and since the others minus Wilbur and my group had left. Tommy didn't or wouldn't of noticed!!! I yelled as Punz raised the dagger and was about to slash Tommy's back when Tommy swerved stumbling a bit but dodged somehow better then he did when he did in the fight,My words were missing as Punz kept attacking him me and Wilbur were in shock and also Wilbur had been restrained proxy 4 feet back now.. Tommy's croaky screams then filled the nation as Punz slashed his or more so- wilburs jacket' revealing...a pair of now bloodied wings.. the wings were light but also kinda of a mix like an ombré with the colours ranging from light lilac and a smoot darker Liliac. Tommy swerved again to face where the-
blow came from. Puns raised his dagger.. and then I finally screamed "PUNZ NO!!!!!!!!!!!!-" it was too late. The dagger laid Imbedded in his neck with blood on it.. I ran to the poor now on the floor child. It went silent. My heart dropped as I knelt down with him. I couldn't hear punz shuttering as Wilbur told him why me and Tommy had to meet up or how much he hated him..i couldn't hear George running to get Niki anyone or Karl holding Wilbur back from beating up punz or Wilbur screaming and bursting up in tears... or sapnap who stood there just as mad as Wilbur but silently wishing the kid lived....this ruined his chances of ever speaking.. even punz knew that. I looked at the kid. Who just was crying. And crying.. he wasn't in pain..he was just honestly sad. I softly put my arms under him holding him bridal style. One hand under his beautiful wings. One under his knees. I would've tossed him over my shoulder but his neck was still bleeding. But not fatal..I looked closer at is seeing that it hit his vocal cords but wasn't causing major blood loss,I was glad but I knew that was painful.. but he must've not noticed all of the pain cause of the already done damage, I walked quickly but also gently I wanted him to sleep.. so I did the only thing that I knew worked on trauma-filled-kids. I hummed London Bridge Is Falling Down,I made sure it was soft and it worked.As I walked to the nether portal. I stepped thru holding on tight to the child. I took him the one place NOone not even my group could bother him. I took him to...my house where my 6 year old sister sat waiting for me. I opened the door to her there..

#Drista POV#
(6 Year OLD POV)
Dreamy was holding a boy in his arms so I stepped aside for him and said "whos he bubba" dream said "Tomyyinnit! He's very hurt. So maybe
you shouldn't bother him yet sissy" I didn't like when someone was hurt! So I went back and sat on the floor as dream sat tommy on the couch doing heal'y' stuff!


I stood above the couch sniffling as dream walked in "drista?? Are you okay?.. what's wrong?" He walked over to me his feet light' "bubba he isn't waking up..." dream sighed and chuckled "drista he's tired. He just survived such painful experiences back-to-back" then mr.TOMMYINNIT fluttered his eyes open and saw me crying and pulled me onto him hugging me and wrapping one of his wings around me and one of hands slowly patting my back as he sat up leaning carefully against the arm of the lounge. Dream looked at him or me- I couldn't tell- and smiled a soft smile! I loved his smile but hated when he still had the mask covering his face but at least it wasn't covering his cheeks and mouth I enjoyed the moment, I learn against his wing carfully seeing as it was bandaged where it joint his back,


TommyInnit Mute/Hard Of Hearing AUWhere stories live. Discover now