bad influence

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It was February 13th which meant one thing: Tomorrow was Valentine's Day. Ian Gallagher was sat on his bed with his older brother, Lip, discussing the usual shit about girls and sex. Ian had come out to Lip a little while back and he was thankful it didn't change anything between them.

"You got any Valentine's Day plans for tomorrow?" Ian said, handing a lit cigarette to his brother.

"Thinking 'bout taking Karen out somewhere. Maybe picnic under the L tracks." Lip took a sharp inhale from the cigarette and blew smoke out in the direction of the open window.

"You going all soft on me now, huh?" Ian mocked as Lip flipped him off.

"Yeah, well what about you? Fucking any new guy after Kash?"

"Nope" Ian lied. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell his brother about the guy he had been seeing - well, fucking - but he didn't want to out him. The guy was Mickey Milkovich and Ian knew that if he told another soul that he was secretly gay, those would be his last words.

"Well get your ass out there and fuck new people. You can't have the last person you fucked be Kash" Lip said playfully punching Ian. "Go fuck someone your own age this time." Ian stood up and walked to the bathroom, flipping his brother off as they both chuckled.

Valentine's Day

Mickey Milkovich walked into school, his army of brothers following beside him. It was a known fact that most of the school was scared of the Milkovich brothers, including the teachers, so when they all walked down the halls people cleared a path for them. Mickey stopped at his locker and pulled the door open. He never bothered locking it because who would be so dumb as to steal from a Milkovich? As the door flew open, a little paper envelope fell out and onto the floor. Mickey bent down and grabbed the envelope, tearing it open to reveal a folded up letter with Mickey's name on it followed by a little love heart.

"Who's your boyfriend?" Iggy teased with a shit-eating grin on his face, resulting in an aggressive shove from Mickey.

"Fuck off, man. Probably some chick who wants to fuck tonight. Getting me hard just thinkin' 'bout it" Mickey said as he jokingly grabbed himself through his pants. He screwed up the piece of paper and shoved it into his pocket before walking off with his brothers.

Later the day, in third period, Mickey left class to go to the toilet. As he walked into the bathrooms he was greeted by one Gallagher boy. A spark of excitement lit in Mickey's stomach at the sight of the red haired boy, not that he'd ever admit that.

"You get my letter?" Ian asked as he maintained eye contact with himself in the grimy mirrors.

"The fuck you talkin' 'bout?" Mickey replied before remembering the scrunched up piece of paper in his pocket. "Oh, that was you?"

"Yeah, did you read it?" Ian turned to face the boy.

"Nah, man. My brothers were there so I couldn't. But uh-" he said as he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out the piece of paper. He opened it up and smoothed out the sheet before reading the writing scribbled onto it.

Dear Mickey,

Happy Valentine's Day, I guess. I know we're nothing but two guys who fuck every now and then, and that this letter alone could get me a beating but I just have to tell you how I feel. I like you, Mick. I want to be with you. I don't give a fuck about your homophobic piece of shit excuse for a father or the dickheads at school. I just want to be able to call you my boyfriend. I know to you that makes me a punk or whatever but jesus christ, I really fucking like you.

- Ian

Mickey took a long breath in before looking up at the boy standing in front of him. The boy he was secretly falling for too. But what could he do? His dad would murder him if he knew he had a boyfriend. What would his brothers say? Or the kids at school? Mickey didn't want to admit that he was scared. He was scared to be who he was. He took a look around the bathroom, scanning the place for any other people before walking over to the door and locking it. Sometimes you've just gotta say 'fuck it'. He walked towards Ian and pulled him into a grazing kiss. The Gallagher boy was clearly shocked by this revelation because he pulled away before Mickey could keep going.

"W-What are you doing, Mick? You've never kissed me before" he asked the shorter boy in front of him. He certainly wasn't complaining about the kiss though, he had wanted this since the first time him and Mickey banged.

"I like you too, Gallagher. Now just fucking kiss me." Ian wasted no time, pulling Mickey in and connecting their lips. Their tongues fought for dominance, Ian taking the win. The taller boy pushed the latter up against the wall, lips still pressed against each other's.

Ian slowly pulled away. "You wanna get out of here? Go to the dugout or something?"

"No, let's go to your place" Mickey said causing Ian to look at him with a confused expression on his face.

"But there might be people there, they'll see us together and suspect we're a thing."

"Well aren't we..." Mickey paused, "a thing?" Ian smiled widely at the boy in front of him. He's wanted to hear him say those words for forever now. They felt unreal, almost impossible, but here they were.

"If you want to be."

"'Course I do, Gallagher" Mickey smirked. Ian grabbed him again and placed a short but loving kiss on his lips. "Now come on, man, before we end up fucking in the school bathroom"

"I'm not opposed to that idea" Ian said with a shrug and a goofy grin on his face.

"You're a bad influence, Gallagher."

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