One Hexcellent Birthday!

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I'll love you with every ounce of my blood, until I die. Ooh...when do you think that'll be?-Henry female marriage quote

For Osoroshi-Rika, hope you like it!


The peculiar white haired sorcerer strode quickly through camp, a stack of various sized cardboard boxes encased in his arms. Today was not just any ordinary day with the shepherds. It was the tacticians birthday, and though everyone was excited to celebrate it, no one was more excited then the sorcerer himself. It was the first birthday the tactician had had since she joined the shepherds, so he was determined to make it a birthday she would never forget. As he thought this, the sorcerer came upon his destination, the tent flap of the structure already ajar. Careful not to drop any of the boxes, he entered the dining tent to see the shepherds already working on the preparations for the celebration. After receiving some greetings from his determined companions, he gingerly set down the boxes on one of the worn down wooden tables. He opened the cardboard flaps of the box to his right and took out the dark purple and gold streamers he had bought from the neighboring town. Taking them into his arms, he walked over to the clumsy pegasus knight desperately trying to hang the streamers from the top of the tent.

"Ugh why am I so useless..." he heard the girl mutter to herself.

"Heyo Sumia! Need some help up there?" the sorcerer inquired. Surprised, Sumia teetered backwards slightly, resulting in making the ladder she was standing on lean unsteadily. With his free hand, the sorcerer grasped the bottom of the ladder, making it return to its original position. Sumia let out a sigh of relief and turned her gaze to her savior.

"Sorry Henry! I didn't see you there!"she said nervously.

"It's fine! Just be more CAWful next time ok? Nya ha ha!"he replied, letting out his signature laugh. Sumia flashed him a smile and continued to work on the streamers.

"Ok I will! Thank you for your help, but I think I'm ok now," she stated.

"Okie dokie! Just call if you need anything!"he said as he placed the streamers he had been holding near the wooden ladder. He turned back to the boxes he had set down earlier and proceeded to unpack the rest of the supplies. As he took out the contents of the boxes, the shepherds filed over to him one by one and started to decorate the tent. The dining tent was beginning to actually look suitable for a party, thanks to the help of the other shepherds. Henry looked down at the cake he had taken out of the last box and smiled to himself. He hoped it would meet up to the tacticians expectations.



" Chrom can you please tell me where are you taking me?"the tactician asked the blue haired prince. Chrom had shown up at her tent early this morning and asked her to invent a strategy for their upcoming battle. Being the efficient tactician she was, she had conducted a solid plan in less than two hours. When she had tried to leave to get something to extinguish the hunger that had formed within her, the prince had insisted they take a walk. Almost an hour has past since then and she was starting to get irritated.

"It's a surprise!"he replied nervously.
She raised an eyebrow at his response and shook her head.

"Can this 'surprise' wait until after I get something to eat? I'm starving, "she asked as she pulled away from Chrom and headed to the dining tent.
They weren't very far from there, so she reached the tent in a matter of minutes. Chrom quickly ran in front of her and held his arms out to his sides.

"Y-you can't go in there!"he stuttered.

"Why not?"she asked as she placed her hands angrily on her hips. As she tried to walk past him, Chrom moved to block her path.

"You just cant!" he replied.

"Thats not an answer!" She tried countless more times to move past the prince but to no avail. Finally, her annoyed feeling overtook her and she shoved Chrom out of the way, running into the tent before he had a chance to respond. Sensing her presence, the shepherds popped out of their hiding spots, making the tactician jump back in surprise.

"Happy birthday Robin!"they shouted in unison. Catching her off guard, the tactician didn't respond right away. She just stared at them with a shocked expression on her face. Moments passed before Robin felt a smile tug at her lips. To the shepherds own surprise, the tactician bursted into laughter.


Henry stared at the tactician curiously as she broke into a fit of laughter.

"Why are you laughing?"he asked.

"B-because!," she started as she wiped a tear from her eye, "the decorations are so like you Henry!"
She gestured to the area in front of her as she continued to laugh. Henry scanned the room again to see if there was anything out if place. The stuffed crows hung from the ceiling along with the purple and gold streamers, the risen sculpture at the entrance still had all of its body parts intact, and the spiders that lined the wooden table were as dead as they had been before. He tilted his head to the side as he looked at her again. Nothing seemed to be out of place, so he didn't understand why she was laughing. A smile formed itself on his lips as he looked at her amused face. It didn't really matter to him why she was laughing, as long as she was happy, he was happy. Eagerly, he reached out and grabbed her hand, making her stop laughing and look at him.

"Come on Robin! Lets have some cake!" She smiled at him and followed him over to the table, taking a seat at its head. As Henry took a seat next to her, the shepherds placed a rectangular cake in front of her and proceeded to sing. She smiled to herself as she looked at the cake. The frosting was a dark purple color with a golden rim adorning its sides. On the top of the cake sat a single golden candle next to the words "Happy Birthday Robin" that had been spelt with golden colored frosting and next to it a few scattered crows were drawn using black colored frosting. Most likely Henry had picked out the cake for her. After the shepherds had finished singing to her, she closed her eyes tightly and blew out the candle. As the shepherds clapped and proceeded to cut the cake, Henry leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Did you make a wish?"he asked.

"Yes."she replied nodding.

"Hexcellent! What was it?"

"If I told you it wouldn't come true."
She gave him a smirk, his shoulders slumping a little before he reverted back to his strange happy self. A piece of cake was suddenly placed in front of her by one of the shepherds and she eagerly picked up her fork took a bite. The moist chocolate and surgery frosting spread across her tongue, making her let out a moan of pleasure. She looked up at Henry's smiling face and returned his smile with one if her own. He blushed slightly and held up a small box to her face.

"This is for you!"he exclaimed. She picked up the box and held it in her palm for a second before opening it. She smirk slightly when she saw what was inside. It was a very sinister looking ring, one that Henry had probably made himself. She ran her fingers over the snakes and skulls that had been carefully carved into it. Looking back at Henry, she noticed a dark blush forming on his cheeks.
She suddenly realized what he was implying by giving her this ring.

"I love you Robin! Will you be my wife?"he asked as he looked her in the eyes while awaiting her answer. Robin felt a warm blush forming on her own cheeks as Henry asked her this. Especially since they were in public.

"Yes Henry. I would love to," she replied. Henry pulled her into a bone crushing hug, making her gasp a little as the wind was knocked out of her. For someone as skinny as Henry, he had a surprisingly strong grip. She smiled after a moment of recovering and wrapped her arms around him.

This was definitely a birthday Robin would never forget.


Thank you for reading! This was a special request from Osoroshi-Rika, I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry if Henry was a little ooc, but I've never written anything for Henry before, so this was a new experience for me. I will get back to writing requests for Valentines Day ( a fire emblem awakening fan fiction) soon, so please be patient with me!


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