The Four Marauders- The Preparation Of The Map

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It was the next day, and Sirius was let out of the hospital wing, with a fine, normal voice apart from, every now and again, when he got angry the started to growl not to anyone's surprise, the boys thought it was highly amusing. "We were nearly found out, y'know, about the cloak, I mean" James said, tapping his long fingers on the top of the table, Sirius' head shot up from his herbolody homework and gave James' hands a disapproving look before exchanging it with a more enquizitive look, "Well, technically we did, we went around the corner, and Lily noticed we were there" Sirius stared at him, "she swore to secrecy." he added, seeing Sirius' angry look, "I trust her."

"Oh great, he trusts her!" Sirius shouted, implying that James' trust for Lily, didn't account to much. But in hindsight, it didn't account to much.  

"That's the first time that's ever happened," Remus stated, "but there have been some close ones" he added, "we need some sort of object that can detect when someone is near us..." Remus paused, "A... a map!"

"Genius" Sirius said, deep in thought. "But how are we going to do it, I mean, we'd need to draw the whole of Hogwarts, and I for one do not fancy trying to draw every inch of Hogwarts." He paused, "I dont even know the whole of Hogwarts!"

"Uness..." James chipped in, deep in thought, "we enchant it to draw every where we go" Peter, Sirius, and Remus looked confused, James sighed, clearly frustrated. "We can enchant the map, so that where every we go, it can record, then make a detailed drawing of the area, get it?" he asked, his friends wearing looks of revelation. "we just need to find out the right charm" he added.

"Easier said then done, James" Sirius said, Remus and peter agreeing.

"Yes, well, I know the exact person who would know, and you're" James said, signalling to Remus, "his favourite student" he said, Remus nodding slowly.

"Professor Flitwick" Remus said shortly.


The boys approached the charms classroom, they heard tiny, little Flitwick just finishing up a first year class.

"And I all want that done that done by next Friday" he squeaked to the groaning class. As all the first year students came pouring out of the room, Sirius briefed Remus on what he was to do.

"Okay," Sirius started, "I'm going to give you my extendable ear," Sirius went to hand Remus the ear, only to retract his hand again and seriously said, "but don't break it, we all know how clumsy you are, but I want you to put it in your pocket, but you can't shuffle around to much or the reception will go all fuzzy, and I don't want it broken either."

"You already said that" James informed.

Sirius continued as if he hadn't hear James, "Don't just burst in and just ask him what charm we could use, strike up a conversation first, okay?" he asked, "This is very important." The boy paused briefly, "so you know what to do, yes Remus?" Sirius confirmed.

"Sirius, I knew what to do, the first time you told me the plan" Remus said, as the other students were filling out of the room. Remus stepped into the long, bright classroom, "hello there, Professor" Remus said pleasantly, "I've just come to drop of some homework."

"Ah, Remus, my favourite student," he squeaked as he climbed up onto his four book- high podium, so that he was face to face with Remus, "homework? did I set any?" he asked.

"Yes, professor, you did, it is due next Monday" Remus lied.

"Oh, I have so many things to remember, sometimes I can't keep track of the things I set and the things I don't! Well, that's very early, Remus, well done, if you carry on like this, you Will defiantly get an O."

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