chapter thirty- this is it...

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Getting ready to go to Hogwarts for the last time:

James, Lily, Remus, Sirius, Alice, Marlene, and Peter all walked through the barrier at the same time, for some of them, maybe the last time.

"Well," said James, clapping his hands together, as they found a empty compartment "we survived, we've just got the end of school ball to attend then we are done, end of story, cuh-put, full stop, good-"

"Okay, I think we get it now, this is it!" Remus said, playfully slapping James on the back.

After a while of so, Sirius started to eye James and Lily, they were awfully close, James noticed and winked at Sirius, Sirius just chuckled and shook his head, "so" Sirius finally said, making the O longer, "this year is the end of year ball," he said, obviously thinking that the others would spill the beans about who they wold be going with, everyone just stared at him, and some rolled their eyes, Sirius sighed "who are you going with, then?!" He said, felling a bit frustrated.

"Ohhh" James said, sounding like he had just discovered the most amazing thing in the world. "Er, well... I" he said awkwardly, staring at Lily, Sirius got the hint. James was probably going to ask out the girl he had been chasing ever since first year. Sirius turned their heads to Remus, Alice, Marlene, and peter.

"I've got my eyes on someone" Marlene said comfortably winking at Sirius, she was always the most confident one out of the group, along with Sirius, of course. Lily and Alice rolled their eyes, and Remus, peter, and James, pretended to gag.

"Well... I'm going with Frank Longbottom." Alice said proudly. James, Sirius, lily, and Marlene craned their heads to look at Peter and Remus. They simply just shook their head.

"Awww" James stood up, putting Remus into a playful head lock and ruffling his hair. "Doesn't my Reemy have anyone to go with?" James said, in a babyish tone "you can go together, you and Peter!" Remus and peter didn't say anything, they just went to go and get changed into their Gryiffindor robes.


At Hogsmead buying things for the ball, lily has now been asked on a date by james, she said yes.

Lily's POV

"Come on, for goodness sake, I would of been happy with the first one I picked up!" I protested as my friends ordered me into, yet, another dress, apparently the last one clashed with my hair, and wouldn't go with my shoes. I have never really been into dresses, clothes, makeup, and stuff girls should be interested in, although, I could see where they were coming from with the last dress, I couldn't see that is 'clashed' with my hair, but I defiantly didn't like that one. It takes a lot for me to say that. It was emerald green pencil dress with a low back... Yes, it had shape, but beauty? I think not.

"Okay then" Alice said, with a slight tone of annoyance to her voice, she obviously was peeved at the fact that i was getting tired at clothes shopping. "how about you pick one!" she added, tossing her hands up in exasperation. I considered this: easy, I can choose a nice dress. I thought to my self.

"Fine then, I will!" I said, accepting the challenge. I waltzed over to the rail of ball gowns, I ran my hands though each fabric; some silky, some velvet, and some Lacy. i took another walk down the aisle until a dress caught my eye: A white dress, with lace sewed on top of the Cotton fabric, it was simple, but very pretty and dainty, it contrasted well with my red, long hair, and my bright green eyes. I picked it up, hearing my friends gasp, I think it was a good gasp, I wasn't too sure. I stepped into the changing rooms, tearing off my clothes for, what felt like, the millionth time today.

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