The Four Marauders- The Long Road To Recovery

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"I'm going to go and see James" Sirus said as he stood up from one of the crimson arm chairs. He still felt incredibly guilty about saying to Severus about Remus' 'condition' as it were.

As he walked in to the hospital wing, he heard a familiar, mischievous voice... James voice to be presided. He begannto run as he hasn't actually talkedbti James in two weeks as he was in a controlled coma.

"JAMES!! You're not dead!" He screamed, as he stepped into the hospital wing, Madam Pomphrey signalled him to stop shouting, and if he didn't he would be thrown out. "Sorry about that Poppy" he replied cockly.

He sat down by James' bed on a wooden chair with a straw woven seat, half of the straw hand been torn out so Sirius was careful not to fall through the middle.

"Hey" James croaked, he still looked as pale but his eyes seemed to be comming back to life, they had their sparkle back.

"Hey" Sirius panicked, what was he meant to talk about? they hadn't seen each other for weeks. The two boys sat, with a awkward silence filling the air around them. Sirius decided to break the ice first. "Look, I don't know if you remember," he said awkwardly, "but just before you... y'know, passed out." This was a bad idea, Sirius was thinking to himself. "Well I... I...well, I apologized to you... for want I did?" Sirius asked.

"You what!?" Said James, laughter lacing the sentence, obviously startled by the prospect of Sirius Orian Black, apologising. No, Sirius does not appolize.

"It's okay if you don't want to forgive me" said Sirius quickly. "I just thought that I owe at least an apology to you as I broke the promise to keep it all a secret. I normally can keep a secret, I just... I don't know what came over me, so yeah " he rambled.

James stared at him, then burst out laughing. "You can be so stupid sometimes, Sirius." James said. "Of cource I'll fovigive you, Remus has, so has Peter. I should apologize as well" he said. "I made you feel isolated and I was disloyal to you, forgive and forget, water under the bridge, right?" He asked.

Sirius paused and thought, just assessing what the phrase really meant, and why people used it.

Water goes under a bridge all the time, people don't forgive all of the time.

"Right, James, forgive and forget."

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