The Distraction

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~Lexi Smalls~

Bang, the door slammed shut behind them as they left the house. I scurried over to the window and stared out at them. Dane helped Hannah into the truck and then they sped out of the driveway. I slightly shook my head. If only Toby noticed me, we could be going on a date like that. I turned. Karter was sitting in the other chair, either staring at her reflection or watching the trail of exhaust from Dane's truck.

"Either you want him or you're just like looking at your reflection. Would you mind telling us which one, Karter?" I asked. Autumn started to snicker from the couch. "She probably was visualizing a realationship with Dane," Autumn replied. Karter shook her head disgusted, "Hannah might like that, but my guys are a little different." "Oh, so what were you doing?" I asked leaning back into the plush chair.

"Visualizing what you and Dane would look like together." Karter snapped. I sat up and gasped. Autumn started to burst out laughing. She got up and walked over to Karter's chair. Autumn put her fist up, with a triumphant smile Karter raised her fist to meet the other girls. She looked over at me and made a sorry face. "Nice one, Kar." she said giggling. Hatred flashed red across my vision, but quickly subsided. Autumn thinks she's untouchable, but she really should watch herself. I was just going to reply, but the door bell rang. "Who could that be?" I asked Autumn. She shrugged and got up and walked to the door.

"Nice of you to show up again. Where'd you run off to this time?"Autumn said.

"Well, sorry I had to go home quick and help my mother. Sorry about earlier too, you know how forgetful I can be with our homework," came Alex's voice.

"Yea, I've been thinking 'bout that. We had no homework this week." I could visualize Autumns face, her arms folded over her chest, green eyes wide and accusing. If there's one thing Autumn hates, it's lying.

"Look can we talk about this somewhere else?"

"No. You can tell me here or you can get your butt out of my house until you do." I leaned over at this comment. What was so important that Alex wanted to talk in private? I looked over at Karter who seemed to be interested in their conversation too.

"Fine. Is anyone else here?" Alex asked. Autumn said nothing.

"Grrrr, let's go into your living room. You may need to sit down for this."

I leaned back. Grabbing the nearest thing and flipped to a random page. Autumn was the first to enter through the door and Alex walked in right behind her.

"You said no one was here," Alex growled.

"I said nothing, you assumed that no one was here," Autumn replied coolly. She slid onto the couch and took on a relaxed position. She looked curiously over at me, then returned her heated gaze back to Alex. Alex muttered something under her breath, but slid onto the couch beside her. Knowing that something interesting was going to happen, I put the book back down on the chestnut end table. As I placed it, I caught that the title read "10 ways to beat pregnancy cravings." No wonder Autumn looked at me weird. I leaned back into the chair, pulling my feet up and making myself comfortable. Karter did the same thing that I did, looking a little uncomfortable with the odd tension in the room.

"Okay guys, I have something to tell you. Something that might be a shock and you might not believe."

I nodded. None of us spoke. We sensed that this problem was much bigger and worse than she let on. What could it possibly be?

"Does this have something to do with the questions you were asking me earlier?" Karter asked.

I raised my eyebrow, watching Alex from my perch on the chair. She shuffled uncomfortably, not making eye contact with Karter.

"Um no, nothing to do with that," she whispered back. She reached her hand to caress the back of her neck, elbow high. "I actually wanted to tell you guys something...I've, um, started seeing someone." Alex stared at the floor, waiting for someone else to speak.


Alex nodded, finally meeting Autumns eyes. My mouth was still wide open as Alex's eyes scanned the room. How the hell does shady, quiet Alex get someone before me?? Before I said something I would regret, Karter excitedly entered the conversation.

"That's amazing Alex! Tell us all about him! How old is he? Where does he go to school?" Karter questioned. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, placing my feet flat on the floor and leaning forward.

"His name is Connor. He's actually a college student that goes to Charolette Community College, so that's why I disappear for so long at one time...he lives almost an hour away. He's also 20 which is another reason I didn't want to say anything right away."

Again my draw hit the floor. Not only did she have a man, but a COLLEGE man. Never in my life have I been more jealous of her.

"When did this relationship start?" I asked, suspicion in my voice. Karter looked at me sideways and Autumn raised an eyebrow. Apparently I didn't hide my distrust very well.

Alex turned to look at me directly. For a moment I took in her face, waiting for her to say something. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled back away from her face. Her skin was tan and a splash of freckles covered her nose and just under the eyes. Her mouth was pulled up in a smirk, her icy eyes were clear.

"I started seeing him a couple months ago. I have pictures if you would like to see them," she smoothly replied.

Squeaks of glee escaped the other two girls. Autumn leaned closer, Karter joyfully skipped across the room to join them on the couch. I gathered myself more slowly... Something just doesn't feel right about this. How could we not have known?

As I joined them, I made eye contact with Alex one more time. There was suspicion and heat in her gave. I raised an eyebrow. She blinked and it was gone, all smiles and joy as she showed her photos. Maybe I imagined it, but I think she knows that I don't believe her...

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