The Party (Part 2)

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~Karter Burgs~

I sighed as I watched Autumn close the door behind her. What the hell happened back there? I stood up, moving towards the en-suite bathroom. Turning on the light, I leaned forwards on the double countertop, admiring the porcelain white sinks within it. Turning on the water, I reached both hands in. Cupping cold water, I brought it up to my face letting it drip back into the basin after I threw it.

The cold water helped calm what was left of my temper. I was so thankful Autumn had been there for me. When he reached for me, it was like a sudden heat rushed through my veins. I felt strong, stronger than ever before, and was completely ready to throw his ass threw a window.

I looked up into the mirror. I analyzed my body, starting with my long arms. I have always been lean and muscular. I was the top striker for our high schools soccer team, on my way to a division one scholarship at UNC next year, but something was different. It looked like I had gained muscle - my arms were more defined, clearly showing my triceps as I lean against the sinks.

Actually, not only were my arms looking more muscular, but everything seemed to be coming in clearer too. I've never had to wear contacts, but I still wore glasses when I drove at night. I tore my gaze away from my arm, meeting my own gaze in the mirror. I admired my dark skin, thanking my mother for her Alaskan heritage. Even with her genes, my hair still turned out brown instead of black. I wore it down, slightly curled at the ends. It reached the middle of my back like this which surprised me. I wear my hair up to much if I don't even know how long it is.

I reached for the towel hanging to my right. Slowly and deliberately I wiped the rest of the water off my face. Feeling my high cheek bones, slender nose, and thick lips underneath. I sighed to myself. Hopefully that guy is gone so I can finally enjoy this party.

I placed the towel back on its hanger, simultaneously turning the water off. I reached to turn off the light, ready to put the weirdness of the situation to the back of my mind with alcohol.

As I walked out the room, I noticed a couple making out in the hallway. I slightly remember Autumn pointing to the couple early, but couldn't recall who it was. As I approached the couple they finally broke apart, showing me the flushed faces of Hannah and Dane. I giggled, announcing my arrival by clearing my throat.

"Oh, hi Kar..." Hannah blushed. Dane just waved, still trying to catch his breath. "Enjoying the party I see! I would ask if you've seen Autumn, but it doesn't look like you've ever taken a break to breathe," I winked, making my way around them.

"Actually I was just going to go look for her!" Hannah called. "Dane has to get going, so I'm all your guy's the rest of the evening."

She followed me down the hall, waving back at Dane who still hadn't moved from his stool. Clearly he was more love struck than I thought. We made our way into the makeshift dance room. I scanned the thrall of moving bodies, hoping to catch a familiar face. Hannah pulled the side of cropped hoodie. I turned to see her pointing towards the bar.

There I saw Autumn and Alex, standing near each other talking. I felt a pang in my chest. I was never one to worry about my relationship with Autumn, but lately I got nervous seeing her having a good time with someone else. I shook my head, blaming it on the adrenaline from earlier.

"I'm going to go find Lexi. It's about time the 5 of us got properly drunk together. You're staying here for the night right?" Hannah asked. I shook my head yes, I wasn't going anywhere without a sober drive.

She smiled as I nodded. Making a move to go down stairs to find the fifth person of our group. I started my way through the sea of bodies towards Autumn and Alex. I had the weird sensation of being watched, but I didn't look around for fear of seeing the guy from earlier.

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