The Honeymoon phase

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"Billy, this totally blows. Why can't we just do something fun like normal siblings," Max whines as Billy dunks on the low basketball net at the park near their house. "I'm cold," She adds. "I'm-"

"Max, I'm going drown myself in the water fountain if you don't shut up," Billy barks. He pulls his sweater back on, the chill hitting him almost immediately after he stops running around.  He strolls over to his step-sister who placed herself on one of the worst benches she could have chosen. A long rusty nail pokes out the side like a spear just waiting for someone to trip right into it.

The two of them begin walking home in silence, their faces flushed from the cold in the air. "I know we don't really hang out just the two of us... Or really at all, but I think we'll get better at it. We can do something you like... Or something," Billy proposes, not 100% sure how to do the big brother thing.

He glances at Max, his expression falling slightly at the sight of her smirk.

"Max! What the Hell!?" Billy yelps, standing with his knees locked on her board. Max cackles from the curb where she's sitting and watching. Billy can't stop wobbling and won't dare to try and kick to move.

"You can't just stand there... Just try and move a little," Max exclaims.

Billy glares at her. "I just want to get off," He grumbles, lifting his front foot to step on the ground. His back foot, which is positioned much too far back on the board, pushes down at the loss of his front foot and sends the front straight up, then back to the ground, and Billy onto his ass.

Max wheezes, her laughter uncontrollable. Billy groans, rolling onto his stomach. "Just shoot me."

Max chases after the runaway board which shot down the street after Billy's tumble. He stands and dusts off his pants, groaning at the discomfort of his tailbone. Although he's totally loving his first skateboarding experience, all he can think about is Steve.

He can't wait to drive to Steve's and see his grinning face and gigantic hair. His boyfriend! What a word, 'boyfriend', god he loves that word.

Max comes running back, board in hand. "Ready to try again?" She says, but to Billy's back, as Billy has taken off at a sprint to their house. 

With the rush of homework that comes after the break, Billy hadn't been able to see Steve since Wednesday and he's incredibly excited to see Steve again. The other drivers on the road can see his... excitement... plain as day with his rather terrifying driving. Billy honks a little too often, flips a few drivers off, and does his fair share of cutting others off.

On a Friday evening like today, traffic is heavier in Hawkins, everyone is close to being as eager as Billy is to get home and relax after a week of work. This only worsens his irritation and helps him get to Steve's house 4 minutes faster than usual.

He doesn't really care to knock at this point, knowing he's always welcome at Steve's house. "Steve?" He calls, as he yanks off his shoes, he trots into the kitchen where he suspects Steve is hiding, and his brows spike upwards. He sees Steve out the window curled in a pool chair with a beer, the lights in the pool are on and someone or multiple someones are swimming.

Thoroughly confused, Billy slides open the patio door and wanders over to Steve. He identifies Nancy and Jonathan who haven't noticed him quite yet. "Steve, I thought... we were hanging out?" He half asks, looking at Steve.

Steve looks sort of uncomfortable, and in turn, Billy starts to feel a little uncomfortable. He places a hand on the back of Steve's neck, enjoying the warmth of his skin against the cool air. 

"We were... We are hanging out. They were just supposed to drop by for a bit... I'm not really sure what happened. Nancy's worried or something, wanted me to have some fun. I didn't know how to say no," Steve grumbles, leaning into Billy's touch. "They'll go soon."

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