All Mine.

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After a shattered nights sleep you woke up in your dorm room, early enough to do your hair and makeup a little more precisely. You were going somewhere with your Professor tonight, who less than twenty four hours ago had made you cum on his fingers in a supply closet. You couldn't believe it had actually happened, that he had taken the time to do such a naughty thing to you. You shook your head as you sat down at your small dresser, the bags under your eyes were prominent. You spent the whole night tossing and turning with nervousness and anxiety. 

What if he realises that it was a mistake and doesn't speak to you again?

What if someone heard your moans and you get kicked out of college?

The unknown was scaring you to death but it was also filling you with excitement. 

You dotted your face with a small amount of foundation, some pink blush and a small flick of eyeliner, as well as covering your lips in a pale pink gloss. You tied your hair up into two braids, making sure they were tight to your scalp so they would last all day, and night. Lastly you picked out a cute outfit. You slipped into a matching set of lacy white underwear, covered in little daises. It was a sunny day so you decided on a short, red and white gingham dress with strappy sleeves; some white thigh high socks and your usual converses. 

You weren't sure where Mr. Ren was taking you, he didn't mention anything other than it being private, so you decided to stuff some spare underwear and a small set of pyjamas into your backpack just in case.

You arrived to campus a little earlier than you needed to and went into the cafeteria and got yourself a take out cup of coffee, being careful to blow on it before you took your first sip. You sat outside on a small bench, taking in the sun and the sound of other students buzzing around you. You were content, drinking your coffee and listening to your finely tuned Spotify playlist, until a hand tapped you on your bare shoulder and snapped you out of your perfect morning scenario. You pulled off your headphones and looked behind you.

"Hi, would you mind if I sit down?" A young man said, his eyes were wide and a beautiful shade of chocolate brown.

"Oh, yeah sure..." You said, slinging your backpack around your shoulder and standing up.

"Hey, no...I didn't mean you had to go, I thought I could sit with you." He said, smiling sweetly.

"If you're just doing this as a dare, I'd prefer it if you wouldn't." You scoffed, looking around to see if a group of people were filming your encounter with this very attractive student.

"It's not a dare, I just wanted to sit and relax before class." He said softly. "I'm not a bad guy."

"Oh, I'm so sorry...I just, well, no one ever wants to sit near me." You mumbled, suddenly embarrassed for assuming he was being a jerk.

"It's okay, no one wants to sit with me either." He said, chuckling nervously. "I'm Poe." He outstretched his hand and you shook it timidly.

"Hi Poe." You said, telling him your name. You both took a seat down on the bench again, and you adjusted your sock which has rolled down in your flustered movements to leave.

"I'm sorry for how some of these jerks have been treating you, I saw the pictures on the forum, it's not fair that you're being picked on." Poe said, his tone was sympathetic, you weren't used to that.

"Oh I'm used to it, I just try to block it out." You said shrugging. "I'm just here to study, I don't need friends."

"Well I could be your know, if you ever need someone to talk to." Poe offered.

"Thanks Poe, I'd like that." You said, giving him a small smile.

"I think we are in the same Psychology class, but you always sit at the back so I don't think you've seen my face before." Poe laughed, taking a bite of a granola bar that he pulled out of his jacket pocket.

"Oh no way, I'm sorry I didn't recognise you." You said.

"That's okay, maybe I could sit next to you today." He asked through his bites.

"Sure." You said, finishing off your coffee.

"So, do you have a job as well as studying?" He asked, you weren't used to so many questions.

"Well I applied for a bar job and a cleaning job, but I haven't heard back yet." You said glumly, the extra cash would be nice.

"Ah that sucks..." The bell rang, stopping the conversation short.

You made your way to Professor Rens class with your new acquaintance Poe and took a seat with him at your usual table. As you got comfortable in your seat you looked up and noticed your Professors hazel eyes burning into your own, he looked angry for some reason. You shuffled in your seat uncomfortable, hoping he hadn't changed his mind about taking you out with him this evening.

Once the class was full and seated, Mr. Ren went round and handed you all back your assignments. As he placed yours in front of you his gaze was shadowy and dark, a small frown set upon his brow. You took the paper as he walked on around the rest of the class and read through the markings he had made with a red pen.

'A+, very well written, good use of terminology...'

You smiled, happy that he had marked you so highly. As you scanned the rest of the page you noticed a smaller note written at the bottom in black ink.

'Meet me outside of my car at 7, it's the black Mercedes.'

You took a deep breath and placed your assignment into your rucksack quickly. Poe sighed heavily beside you, frowning at his paper.

"Are you kidding me. I only got a C." He said glumly.

"It's only the first assignment Poe, don't worry about it too much." You said sweetly.

Poe turned to face you and let out a small half hearted grin, and you noticed his eyes flickered over your dress. 

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