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*AN - Thing are about to get weird. TW - Dub con, infantilism, Kylo is off his meds. Please comment/vote. Love you <3*

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"Where did she go?" Rey said. She turned to Poe and he looked to Finn. "Well?"

"She was, I... she was right here two minutes ago." Poe's voice turned to panic as he looked around the vacant street. He walked over to a nearby stranger leant against the wall. "Hey man, you see a girl out here? Red dress, black jacket?" The man looked at Poe and shook his head, eyes rolling around in his drunk state.

"Try calling her." Rey said, helping Poe look around the side of Khyber's.

Poe dialled your phone but the line went dead immediately. "Fuck! Fuck..." He muttered. "Just went to answer phone."

"I'm sure she won't have gone far. Maybe the club has a security camera or something, I'll go and ask." Finn said, quick walking back into the busy club. Poe watched him snake through the crowd and speak to one of the staff members, whilst Rey paced on the spot.

"I shouldn't have let her take that molly...fuck, what if she's hurt or something." Rey said solemnly, chewing her nails and crouching on the ground.

Poe held his head in his hands and sighed before Finn came rushing back to join them.

"Guys." Finn said, slightly out of breath. "The camera footage, she...someone took her."

"What...who took her? Finn?"

"Sounds crazy, but it looked like Professor Ren."

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Kylo Rens Journal:

'She is beginning to defy me. I thought this may be the case, seeing as she has acquired some rather distasteful, little friends. She is going to realise sooner or later that I am the only person she needs.'

'I punished her for snooping around in my home, spanked her little ass with a wooden ruler until it was deliciously red. The act was purely for my enjoyment, I wasn't angry, oh...her little whimpers...her submissiveness, it made me ache. I was happier than I had been in months. I wanted to take her right there in the library, force her head down on my cock again, ruin her for any other boy who dare touch what was mine.'

'She ran off before my class ended, which hurt me, seeing as I based the whole lesson around her, around our special relationship. Mr. Dameron informed me that she was sick, but seeing as I still have access to his text messages, I knew she was lying. She had faked it, she had ran away from me...and that simply wouldn't do. I over heard that sewer rat of a boy talking about a party. I had a feeling my little mouse would be attending, my sweet girl, growing up too fast.'

'I waited in my classroom for her, in case she changed her mind and decided to come crawling back to me. But of course, she didn't. Unfortunately for her, I had ran out of patience, and medication, but they were making me weak anyway, made her defiance tolerable. It's for the bet that I don't take them anymore.'

'I parked around the corner from Khyber's, such a dirty place, nowhere near good or safe enough for my precious mouse. I saw her walk inside with Miss Niima, clad in a little red number, she looked like a whore. I felt myself grow envious, knowing that she would be more noticeable than ever dressed like that. No doubt, acne riddled teenage boys would crowd around her. I growled under my breath, checking my phone for any updates.'

'I watched her as she stumbled outside, unsteady on her little feet 
in high heels, to tall for her clumsy legs. She looked upset. I saw a man approach her, handed her his jacket so she could cover up her skimpy dress which was now ripped, exposing the soft skin of her dainty chest. I appreciated the way he avoided her advances, but inside I was livid, she was trying to kiss someone else, someone that wasn't me. I took the opportunity to call her, her words were slurred, her tone full of an annoying, bratty confidence. She babbled nonsense about how I was mean to her. She has no idea how mean I could be, silly little thing, always testing me. Besides, why would I be mean to her? After all, she is everything to me.'

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