Prying Eyes.

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You sat beside your Professor in his fancy black car in total silence, apart from the radio that was softly playing. You twiddled your thumbs, suddenly feeling overcome with anxiety. You were alone with him, away from college and you didn't exactly know where you were going or what he wanted to do with you, but you had a pretty good idea. His hand gently rubbed your upper thigh, just above your sock, it made you shiver. You knew deep down this was beyond wrong, he was your teacher, you much older teacher at that, but you were drawn to him; you felt safe with him despite barely knowing him.

After a short and slightly awkward journey, Professor Ren pulled into a small gravel driveway. Beyond the driveway stood a large, Tudor style house, panelled with white and black, surrounded by tall hedges and pine trees. 

"Is this your home?" You asked sheepishly.

"Yes it is mouse. Do you want to come inside with me?" He said softly, raising an eyebrow.

You nodded and he smiled, taking your bag from your lap and exiting the car. He held your door open for you and you hopped out, swirling your hair in your fingers as he lead you to the front door.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asked as he walked you through his home.

It was exceptionally tidy, natural light flooding in from the big windows. You nodded yes and followed him round the hall into the kitchen. The kitchen was contemporary and spacious, the counter tops were white marble and the drawers were glossy ebony. You couldn't believe how clean it was, it was as if no one lived there at all. 

"Is tea okay?" He said, placing two mugs down in front of him.

"Yes thank you, Sir."

"You can call me by my name out of the classroom, mouse." He said softly, flicking the switch on the kettle. 

"Oh, okay..." You paused.

"Kylo." He purred.

Kylo suited him, mysterious and unique.

"Tea is great, Kylo." You giggled, it felt far too informal calling him that, but you were in his home after all.

Kylo turned his back and began making two cups of tea, you sat back on his soft barstool and felt yourself relax, it was like you had known him for years. You noticed how bare his walls were, no photographs, no art, just clinical and white. 

"Sugar?" He asked, snapping you from your snooping.

"No thank you." You said.

"Mm, you're already sweet enough." He purred.

You blushed at his words, swiping your hair out of your eyes as he grinned at you. You swear that smile would be the death of you, it was enough to stop your breath from leaving your lungs. He handed you a mug and you sipped gratefully. 

"Thank you for coming, for trusting me." He cooed, you looked up from your steaming mug and gave him a bashful smile.

"I feel safe with you Kylo, you're the only person I do trust." You sighed.

"Don't you have siblings? Parents?" He asked softly, taking a seat on the stool next to you.

"I'm an only child, my parents are...difficult, I suppose. They split up when I was little, and neither of them were around much when I was growing up, they travelled a lot with work. So I guess I've always been a loner." You said, shrugging.

"Sounds familiar..." Kylo said, gently stroking your shoulder. "But we have each other now, sweetheart."

You looked into Kylos shimmering hazel eyes and smiled, he stared at you so deeply you thought you were going to faint, he was captivating. You finished your tea and placed the mug down on the shiny white surface. 

"Now...I didn't bring you here just to drink tea." Kylo said, his fingers dancing in your soft hair, wiping it away from your wide eyes. "Come." He purred.

You gulped quietly and took his hand, following him through the kitchen, to a steep ebony staircase. You trailed behind him, his huge hand engulfing yours as he lead you into a large bedroom. A huge bed sat in the middle of the room, covered in black and red satin sheets. The windows were closed and covered in thick, blackout curtains. Kylo walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it, you sat with him, your heartbeat quickened in your chest as you sat with him, waiting for him to speak.

"Are you nervous, little one?" He asked softly. You nodded, playing with the hem of your dress. "Mm, that only makes you more adorable."

"Kylo...I don't think I'm ready for, you know..." You said quietly.

"That's okay mouse...there's no rush." He said, his thumb rubbing over your bottom lip. "What do you want to do?"

"I want to kiss you." You said, the shyness seeping back into you as you looked into his mesmerising stare. 

His lips were on you before the last word left your mouth. He kissed you deeply, his tongue swirling against yours, a hand on the back of your head holding you steady. You sighed into his mouth, he tasted of tea and peppermints, whilst his other hand played with the smooth skin of your thigh. You could already feel yourself getting wet for him, needing him to make you cum again like he did in his supply closet, but you wanted to make him feel good this time. 

"I want to touch you." You sighed. He pulled away from your lips and nodded.

"Get on your knees for me then, little mouse." He purred.

You obeyed him, getting off of his soft mattress and instead kneeling on the hard wooden floor. Kylo stood above you, his eyes now black and gleaming as he looked down at your anxious face.

"Take off my belt." He commanded. 

You reached up to his buckle and undid it slowly, pulling it from the loops and placing it down on the ground beside you.

"That's a good girl, now, touch my cock." He grunted. Your eyes widened, you could see how big he was through his tight suit trousers. You placed your hand on him and he guided it up and down. "Can you feel what you do to me mouse? You make me so fucking hard." 

His dirty words were making you drip, you were desperate for him to touch you, but you wanted to please him even more. You palmed his hard member through his trousers, the sound of him hissing in pleasure made you pussy ache with need.

"Mm, such a girl. Do you want to suck your professors cock, hm?" He said, his voice thick and raspy.

Teachers Pet - Kylo Ren/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now