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*AN - So...things have turned dark (sorry in advance) I just wanted to write something I hadn't seen before. Kylo is a psycho psychology professor, dun dun dun. Gaslighting, manipulation, he has a weird age play kink, doll obsession, reader is naïve as fuck, dark, dark dark. (Don't like, don't read.) Please comment and vote if you can, I love feedback.<3*

You were jolted awake by the sound of a door slamming shut. Your eye lids fluttered open, your mind groggy and clouded. 

"Ah. My little mouse is awake." You heard a deep mumble, unable to truly hear the words.

Your eyes looked around, adjusting to the warm glow of lights above you. Your weak gaze shifted down your body, and you gasped slightly, as if you were stuck in a nightmare.

Your ankles were bound in beige rope, your wrists suffering the same fate. As you tried to move you felt a soft surface below you.

You were on a bed?

As your sight became clearer you noticed you were no longer wearing the red dress that Rey had given you, that small detail of your blurry memories wasn't lost, you remembered feeling glamourous. But now your body was clad in some sort of nighty. White and frilly, whilst your legs were covered up with white, thigh high socks, two patent black heeled shoes on your feet. These clothes weren't yours.

You looked like a doll.

"Dressing up like a whore...drinking, doing drugs, talking to strange men...who does my little girl think she is?"

You groaned, the pain in your head all but splitting your skull in two. You tried to speak, but your throat was so dry, all you could managed was a strangled whimper.

"Sh..." A deep voice lulled, a large, warm hand cupping your jaw. You looked up to see your Professor, leaning over you, his acidic hazel eyes now dark and glassy. He observed your face, tutting gently as you tried to speak. "Are you thirsty?"

You nodded meekly, even small movements were difficult. Ren's hand moved from your jaw to your lips, prying them open with two of his large digits. His other hand brought a bottle to your lips, tipping cool water down your throat. You spluttered and choked, but managed to swallow some of it down, you sighed in a quiet relief.

"W-where?" You mumbled, dazed and confused as Ren stepped away from you, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Your skin prickled as he caressed your arm with the pads of his fingers.

"My basement. I hope you don't mind." He said softly, making your stomach churn. "You're safe here."

"Kylo...please. I want to go home."

"You are home." He snapped, his grip on your arm tight enough to leave a bruise. "You need me, mouse. You aren't safe without me around to take care of you."

Your mind was reeling.

You just wanted to be back in your tiny college dorm.

"Now, I will untie you...if you promise to be good. Promise me won't run..." His voice rippled with malice, scaring you. 

"Okay...I promise." You said, looking up at him with two wide doe eyes.

"Good girl."

Kylo began untying the rope from your ankles, you winced a little, noticing the red welts it had left behind on your flesh. Once you were free of your bonds you sat up cautiously, shifting so your back was against the head board.

As your vision became more focused you peered around at the dimly lit room. The walls were painted white and a sickly baby pink, matching the bedsheets. There was a book case, and an array of stuffed toys and beanbags around the floor, as well as a small desk with an old computer planted on top of it.

You felt like a doll, trapped in an ugly dolls house.

"This is all for you, my sweet little thing." Kylo cooed, stroking your leg that was still vaguely numb. "Do you like it?"

"It's l...lovely." You lied, trying to keep him appeased.

"What do you say?" His tone was firm, grip tightening on your thigh.

"Thank you...Sir."

He sighed, his lips curling up into a faint smile. You felt his fingers creep further up your thigh, your breathing hitched.

"Daddy worked so hard on making the perfect home for his little girl."

"It's...really wonderful...but, I don't...I don't have any of my clothes,, my phone." You said. Professor Ren just laughed, a short, sharp laugh, fingers lingering under the unfamiliar white dress.

"I took the liberty of buying you new clothes..." He said with a glint in his eye. He rose from the bed, meandering to a small wooden wardrobe, painted with daises. He opened it up and pulled out a mixture of dresses in pastel colours, ribbed with frills and bows. You tried to smile, seem appreciative, but your stomach churned. "Aren't they pretty? You're going to look perfect in each of them. My own little Dollie."

"Y...yes. Pretty." You whispered, eyes flickering to the door.

"As for the phone, you won't be needing one. You're too young for a phone."

You grimaced, he knew full well you were old enough for a phone. But he was pretending as if you weren' if you were too young.

"But...what about my friend's? They need to know I'm safe...I, I don't want them to worry."

"What friends? They left you all alone at that gutter of a club. They only invited you out to make a fool of you, sweet baby." He sighed, swiping a hand through his hair. He placed the dresses back in the wardrobe and sat on the foot on the bed.

You listened to his words and shook your head. That wasn't true, was it?

"But...I remember..."

"You were high, drunk don't remember anything. I found you, alone on the side of the road. You were hysterical. When I saw you, you kissed me and told me to take you wanted me to make you safe."

Your mind swirled, trying to piece together your evening...

Was your Professor telling the truth? You couldn't make sense of anything. You squeezed your eyes shut, willing yourself to remember something, anything.

" sweet little girl. You asked me to help you, to take you away from those mean people. If you don't believe this."

Kylo presented a phone to you, his personal phone. Your eyes scanned the messages...trying to make sense of it.

'Little mouse: Everyone is beijwg so mwan to me.'
'Little mouse: Pleae come and get me Kylo. They hwurt me.'
'Little mouse: I'm at Kyhbers, i miss you, plwae come and help me :('
'Kylo Ren: I'm coming to get you.'

You read the texts in a total daze...nothing felt true, but the evidence was right there in front of you.

"You see? You needed me to help you, to come and make you safe again. Because I'm your only friend...Isn't that right baby? My poor mouse."

Kylo traced your jaw with his thumb, brushing away tears that were beginning to roll down your cheeks.

"If you're my friend, why did you tie me up?" You said, staring at him through glassy eyes, your ankles and wrists stinging.

"You were very upset when I brought you asked me to tie you up, so you didn't do anything to hurt yourself." He sighed a little, shaking his head. "They hurt you mouse...Poe, Rey...they ripped your dress, put drugs in your drinks...if I didn't get to you in time, I...I could have lost you." He said, bottom lip quivering. 

"I want to have a shower..." You said, desperately trying to change the subject.

"I've already bathed you...and clothed you, you need to rest now. Let Daddy take care of you." He leaned closer towards you, his hands resting on your thighs once more. "Don't you want me to make you feel good?"

"I...I..." You stammered, your heart thumping in your throat.

"Let Daddy help you relax...Princess." His fingers crept up under your dress, toying with the hem of your panties.

"I...I want to make you feel good." You whispered, shuffling away from his wandering hands. Your eyes flickered from his gaze to the bulge in his jeans, gently swiping your tongue over your bottom lip. "Please...after everything you've done for deserve it, Daddy."

Kylo groaned at that, letting you go. He knelt up on the bed, palming his denim clad cock, that was clearly hard.

"Such a good girl..." He whispered, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans. As he shuffled them down you heard the jingle of keys.

A way out.

"Can you lay down?" You said, raising the pitch of your voice slightly to sound more innocent. "Please...I want to kiss you."

Kylo smiled a devilish smile, before tugging his jeans off, placing them on the end of the bed. He shuffled from his knees onto his back, gesturing two fingers towards him. You crawled along the bed and placed yourself on top of his lap, straddling him. You worked the buttons of his shirt off, revealing his solid physique, his rippled abs, his strong chest. You sucked your lower lip between your teeth, doe eyes fluttering at him through long, thick lashes. 

You lowered your head down, peppering kisses from his neck to his chest, lower and lower until you met the waistband of his boxers. You pulled them down, his thick cock springing free, already leaking arousal. You shucked back a breath and swiped your tongue over his slit, watching his eyes roll back. As his eyes closed your eyes scanned his jean pocket, a ring with several keys was just visible from the pocket.

"I want to try something Daddy..." You said, leaving faint licks and kisses on the head of his cock.

"Anything baby girl...anything."

You smiled to yourself, watching his head fall back, eyes blissfully closed and unaware.

You rose up onto your knees and pulled your panties to the side, shame running through you as you felt yourself grow wet above him. 

Psychopath or not, he made you feel things you'd never dreamed of, your body betraying your better judgement.

You placed your bare pussy down on his cock and began moving rhythmically, up and down, using his impressive length to get yourself off. Ren bit back a moan, his hands fisting the bed sheets. Eyes still clamped shut.

"Fuck..." He sighed. "Oh fuck that feels so good baby, that's it...rub that little virgin cunt on Daddy's big cock." 

"You like it?"

"I love feel so good, so baby girl."

You continued grinding down on his cock, growing felt incredible, but your sole focus was on the keys, glimmering in the light a the bed shook gently. You leaned forwards, kissing his jaw as you rubbed against him, cursing yourself internally for enjoying it. 

He's holding you captive...dressing you in weird, childish clothes...calling himself Daddy...he's sick.

As you kissed him along the jaw and across his pouted lips, his hands came down to your hips, aiding you as you rode him. You reached your hands around his head, stroking his hair, whimpering as you felt your core burn with need, aching for release. He groaned into your mouth, his own hips bucking to meet your movements, his grip almost penetrating your fleshy hips as he held you. You reached for the leg of his jeans, being careful not to rouse suspicion. You hooked your fingers into the denim and dragged it towards you, still kissing him, swirling your tongue against his. 

The keys were inches from your fingers now, you stretched forward a little more, hearing Ren gasp as his cock twitched beneath you. 

"Gonna cum baby..." He moaned into your mouth.

"Please Daddy...cum for me." You moaned back. 

You felt the cold metal of the keys touch your fingers as you bucked on top of him faster, his chest rose and fall, his breaths becoming short and staggered. With one final sweep of your pussy against him his hands fell from your hips, whilst hot ropes of cum shot over his stomach and the front of your hideous nighty. Without a second thought you grabbed the keys and jumped off of his hulking body, and ran to the door of the basement.

Your clammy hands wrestled with the keys whilst your Professor was coming down from his high.



This one?


You jammed the last remaining key in the lock and it turned. You grappled with the handle, cranking it open, the door swung on its hinges and you bolted up the staircase, locking the basement door behind you. You climbed the steep steps, rejoicing as you fled from Rens clutches, only to be faced with another door. You tried the handle, but it was locked.

You jammed each key inside the lock and tried to turn it, but none of them fit.



As you wrestled with the second door, all keys failing to set you free, your blood turned cold. A large hand wrapped around your wrist, a breathy chuckle fell in your ear.

"You promised you wouldn't run..." Professor Ren purred. You felt dread hit the pit of your stomach, before everything turned black.

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